Faithful (Flaron + Floorja)

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Based on the song The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks (I'm not really a fan of country music, but I like this song)


 Floor glanced down at the clock. It was already 3:30 AM.

 Damn it, she thought. I shouldn't have stayed so long. Sharon's probably losing her mind.

 It was true. Floor shouldn't have stayed with Tarja for so long. In fact, she shouldn't have been there with the other woman at all. How could she? Why did she, was she question she asked herself over and over again as she drove home.

 She had Sharon. She had a beautiful, loving woman right there at her side, someone she could easily love for the rest of her life. So, why did she keep going to see Tarja instead?

 Floor was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard what sounded like thunder. She glanced up at the sky. It was dark out, but it definitely sounded like they were getting a storm.

 She pushed down on the pedal and began to drive a little faster. She wanted to get home to Sharon before this storm came.


 Meanwhile, in the house Floor was on her way to, the lights were still on and Sharon was pacing the floor nervously. It was early morning-the sun would be coming up within the next few hours-and Floor wasn't home. Sharon couldn't even remember what it was she had gone out to do; she didn't she'd even said where she was going.

 Sharon was worried about Floor. She had been acting differently recently, maybe within the last month, and Sharon didn't know what was going on with her. She wished Floor would talk to her, but she didn't, and that upset her even more.

 What if something terrible had happened to Floor while she was out? She could have gotten stuck somewhere, could have gotten into an accident. She could be dead, for all Sharon knew, because Floor wasn't answering her phone.

 Sharon had had other suspicions, too. She had briefly wondered if Floor could be cheating on her, but quickly put the thought out of her mind. She didn't want to think that Floor could do something like that to her.

 Sharon was filled with relief and joy when she saw Floor pull into the driveway. It had already begun raining, but Sharon ran out in her nightgown to throw her arms around Floor.

 "I'm so glad you're okay," she said. "Where were you?"

 Floor never got a chance to come up with a story. When Sharon hugged her, she caught a whiff of perfume, one she knew Floor didn't wear. But she knew someone who did.

 Sharon let go of Floor and took a step back, looking at the woman she loved with new eyes.

 "Sharon? What is it?" Floor asked, even though she already knew.

 Sharon ran into the house and up to their bedroom. She locked the door and curled up on the bed, letting herself cry for as long as she had to.


 Sharon never fell asleep.

 She cried for a long while, but got up off the bed as the sun began rising. Not bothering to get dressed, she went softly down the stairs to find Floor fast asleep on the sofa.

 Sharon didn't even have to ask who Floor had been with. She already knew, and felt betrayed. One was the woman she married, and the other was a good friend. She still had a hard time believing they had done this, but she had already cried as much as she could, and now she couldn't look at Floor with anything other than anger, maybe even hate.

 Sharon went rifling through the drawers. She knew they kept a gun in a top drawer, but had never had to use it. But maybe the time had come.

 Floor was never going to this to her again, not ever. She wouldn't do this to anyone ever again. This was the last time Sharon would ever have to wonder where she'd been.

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