Kissing In The Rain (Jelize)

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 Jake was leaving, and Elize didn't understand why.

 Jake was one of the founding members of Amaranthe, and he had always been so dedicated to the band. Then he simply decided he was leaving the band. Elize didn't really understand what was going on with him, so she asked if the two of them could meet up alone, in the hopes that she could get a reasonable explanation out of him.

 When Jake showed up that cloudy afternoon, Elize was waiting for him on the street corner.

 "Hey," he said. "So, what's going on?"

 "You're what's going on," she said, giving him a serious look. "You just up and decided to leave the group, and I don't know why."

 He sighed. "I told you guys, I just want to move on to something else. I'm gonna be joining this other group, it's gonna be-"

 "I don't care about this other band," Elize cut in. "I care about our band, the one we dedicated so much time to, the one we love. You know, I thought we had something good going on."

 "We did. Come on, I know you guys are still going to make great music without me."

 "That's not what I meant," said Elize. "You know that's not what I meant. I meant that I thought we had something good between you and me."

 "Elize, we do have something good going on between us. It's and me dating and front a band together? Things like that don't always work out."

 "So, you're leaving because we're dating?"

 "Well...yeah, I guess when you put it like that, then that's it."

 Elize threw her hands in the air, feeling a few raindrops as she did so. "Well, do you mind explaining that to me?"

 "It just feels like...maybe we do need a little distance between us, you know? Dating and being in a band together? That's a lot of time you have to spend with at each other. There's a chance two people could get sick of each other at some point, you know? This is still something new, and I don't want it to fall apart too quickly."

 "But...we'll still see each other a lot, don't we?" Elize asked.

 "Yes, whenever we have free time, as much as you want."

 "'re leaving because you want to go out with me. That makes absolutely no sense, but I'll go with it, just to see where this goes."

 Jake smiled, and kissed her there on the sidewalk as it started to rain. 

 "We have some free time now, don't we?" he pointed out. "Let's go hang out someplace dry."

 They walked hand-in-hand down the sidewalk in the pouring rain.

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