More About You (Floorja)

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 Sequel to 'She's A Vampire'


 Tarja walked to Floor's apartment in the morning, knowing she most likely would have gone indoors when the sun came up. It would have made more sense for her to drive there, given the distance, but today she felt like walking. She had no idea what she would say to Floor once she arrived, and she wanted a little time to think about it..

 Floor answered the door pretty quickly, still in the same clothes she was wearing the night before.

 "I didn't expect to see you so soon," she said. "Has it even been twelve hours yet?"

 "I wanted to talk to you," Tarja said. "Can I come in?"

 Floor nodded, and stepped aside. "If you like. Come in, please. People don't usually come visiting."

 Tarja had only to Floor's apartment once before, but only know did she realize how dark it was. The walls were painted a dark color, and any window had a thick curtain drawn over it.

 "I guess it's come to you now why I keep everything so dark," Floor said, closing the door.

 "Can sunlight really kill you?" Tarja asked.

 "Well, from what I know, it's most likely that if I step into direct sunlight, I'll burn up into ashes. I saw it happen to someone once, someone I knew." She sat down on the sofa. "All right, then. What do you want to know?"

 "Are all of the stories true?"

 "That depends," Floor answered. "Which stories?"

 "Are you allergic to garlic?"

 She shrugged. "It does make me uncomfortable."

 "Can you see yourself in the mirror?"

 "Tarja, you've seen my reflection in the mirror. If you hadn't, I think you would've guessed a lot sooner."

 "Right. I guess I would have. What about crosses and holy water?"

 "Those would probably be a yes," Floor answered. "After becoming a vampire, I stepped inside a church and was very uncomfortable."

 "Can you turn into a bat?"

 Floor laughed. "I wish I could. Anything else?"

 "How long have you been a vampire for?"

 She shrugged. "A long time. I move from place to place."

 Tarja nodded. "That makes sense. You never grow old. But why did you want to be friends with me if I thought I might find out?"

 "Because I could tell what kind of person you are, Tarja. You're not the kind of person who would use my secret as leverage, and you're certainly not the type to run around telling people that you found a real vampire. If I thought you were either of those people, I never would have spoken to you."

 "So, you can just...tell these things about people?" Tarja asked.

 "I told you, I've been a vampire for a long time."

 "Okay. Are there any other vampires around?"

 "If there are, I haven't met them. I'm not very social."

 "Well, you must have at least one vampire friend," Tarja said. "What about whoever turned you into a vampire? Aren't you friends with them?"

 Floor turned away from her, and stared absently at the curtained window.

 "The vampire who turned me," she said slowly, "Was the vampire I saw burn up in the sunlight. His name was Hannes. He taught me a lot." She sighed. "I miss him. He was more sociable than me, so since he's been gone, I haven't spent much time with others."

 "Then I have to ask, why me? Why me, of all people?"

 Floor shrugged again. "I don't know. I guess I just liked you."

 Tarja nodded. "I think I should go. I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time already."

 "No. Wait." Floor grabbed Tarja by the hand. "Stay a little longer, please. I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable with all of my depressing stuff. This is why I don't have a social life. But, please, not that I've told you about me...I'd like to know more about you."

 Tarja nodded. "Okay. I'll stay."

 Floor smiled, and it was the first genuine smile Tarja could remember seeing on her face.

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