The Truth (Floorja)

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 Floor never talked much about her dating life. It seemed the guys assumed she just wasn't all that interested in romance, and she preferred it stayed that way.

 It was really because she wasn't exactly comfortable with telling them the truth.

 The band just happened to all be in the studio together one afternoon, wrapping up production for their new album. Floor wasn't paying too close attention to anything anyone was saying; her mind was far away.

 "Lost in thought?" she heard Marco ask.

 She blinked. "Uh. Yeah, I guess I was. Are we almost done here? I think I lost track."

 "Yeah, we should be leaving soon. Pretty soon, we'll be out on the road again."

 She smiled. "Yeah, I'm excited for that." It was true that she was partly excited, but she was also a little reluctant. If she was out touring all the time, when would she have a chance to see her again?

 She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, and pulled it out to see who was calling her.

 "Who's that?" Marco asked.

 "Uh, no one." Floor quickly hit to ignore the call before he could see the screen. "Didn't recognize the number."

 Her phone instantly began ringing again.

 "You sure that's no one?"

 "Yeah." By now, her ringing phone had caught everyone's attention. She turned her phone away, and accidentally hit 'answer'.

 "Oh." She turned it over to look at it without realizing she pressed the button to put her phone on speaker.

 "-there, remember you're the one who talked about meeting up for another date," came out of the phone. "Floor? Are you going to talk to me or not?"

 "Oh, damn it," Floor muttered, turning the speaker off. She pressed the phone to her ear and said, " Sorry about the delay. I'm, uh, in the studio. Busy times."

 "Oh. Well, I won't keep you too long, then. Is it still the same place? Because I'm going to be in the same area, and I thought we could meet up."

 "Yeah, that would be great," she said. "Um, let me know when you're coming. I'm excited to see you. Bye."

 Floor hung up the phone to find five pairs of surprised eyes looking at her. "What?"

 "Is there any chance whatsoever that that's what it sounded like?" Emppu asked.

 "What did it sound like?"

 "To start, that sounded a lot like Tarja," said Marco. "And don't say 'Tarja who?' because I know you know which Tarja I mean. Now, I know the two of you are friends, and none of us have a problem with that. But that didn't sound like two friends, and you know it."

 Floor sighed. "All right. Fine. If you must know, I'm dating Tarja Turunen. There. I said it. Now, if anybody has a problem with that, this would probably be a good time to say so."

 Emppu shrugged. "Well...we're probably not gonna be too comfortable with it. But it's your life, so...we'll be fine."

 "It might be best if you don't bring her here, though," Marco added.

 "Of course I wouldn't," Floor said. "Believe me, we will be hanging out somewhere very away from here. Tuomas?"

 Tuomas had been standing over in the corner, a strange look on his face. He honestly looked like he might be sick.

 "Look, I know it probably sounds weird-" Floor began.

 "It's fine," he said. "It's just...surprising. gonna go home."

 "Great," Floor muttered. "Anyone else, while we're at it?"

 "Hey, don't worry too much about it," Troy said to her. "It's a shock, but I think they'll come to grips with it after a while. It's just not something they were expecting."

 "I figured that. Kai?"

 The drummer shrugged. "I haven't here that long, so I don't think I can really judge. I think Troy's right, though; give it a little time. Maybe we should all go home, get some rest."

 "Okay. I'll see you guys soon."

 Floor exited the studio and stood out on the sidewalk.

 "Oh, damn it," she said, louder this time.

 There had always been a little awkwardness around the fact that she was in Nightwish and she was so close with Tarja. And now everything would be just plain awkward.

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