Sneaking and Surprising (Floorja)

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 Floor Jansen was glad the band would be playing in Finland this time of the year. Tarja had said she was going to be in the country visiting her family, and it turned out to be not very far from where the band was playing. With that information, Floor knew she had the perfect opportunity to surprise Tarja and be able to see her in person. It was perfect.

 After the band's show that evening, Floor said to Marco, "I have to go. I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?"

 "Yeah, sure," Marco said, putting his bass away. He looked up. "Hey, wait a minute! Where are you going?"

 But Floor was already gone.


 Tarja was expecting any surprises that night. In fact, she wasn't expecting anything at all, just an ordinary evening.

 She smiled when she looked down at her ringing phone and saw Floor was calling. She pressed 'answer' and said, "Floor, I thought you were going to be busy."

 "No, I was to able to wrap up early," she said. "But I do have a surprise for you."

 "A surprise?" Tarja asked. "And what would that be?"

 "Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it? Go down to the hotel lobby, and you'll see what I mean."

 "Fine, I'm going," Tarja said, smiling. "Don't hang up yet."

 Tarja made her way down to the lobby, and found Floor herself standing by the elevator. 

 "Floor!" Tarja threw her arms around her and hugged her.

 "I know, great surprise," Floor said, giving her a kiss. "It was perfect timing. You were visiting, I'm here on tour."

 "Well, I didn't know you would be here, or I would have come looking for you myself! How much time do you have?"

 "Not very much, actually," she answered. "The guys don't know anything about this, and I kind of left them in the lurch a little while ago. But it's okay, because I'm going to make sure we have enough time together."


 When Floor joined the guys for breakfast the next morning, Marco asked her, "Hey, where did you run off to last night? When I realized you were leaving, you were already gone."

 "Nowhere important," Floor said, picking at her food. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"
 "She's trying to change the subject," Emppu said. "You got a boyfriend we don't know about or something?" 

 Thinking about Tarja's smile, Floor shook her head. "Believe me, this has nothing to do with a man."

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