The Drive (Danlissa)

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  When Arch Enemy played a show, they always gave it their all and tried to do their best. That meant staying focused, which ended up being particularly hard for two of the band members.

 Alissa, the band's vocalist, and Daniel, the band's drummer, couldn't stop staring at each other. They really were trying hard not to, but somehow their gaze kept wandering off towards each other. Both of them hoped no one noticed, but knew there was a good chance someone did notice.

 When the show was over, they began to pack everything up and get ready to leave. While this was going on, Daniel approached Alissa and said, "Hey, do you want to...maybe go for a drive with me? You know, while everyone else is packing up?"

 "Don't you have anything to do?" Alissa asked.

 "No, my drums are all packed up."

 She nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

 Alissa couldn't remember ever going out alone with Daniel. But she wasn't worried; she felt safe with him.

 The ride was silent for the first minute or two. Daniel kept his eyes on the road, and Alissa stared out at the land around them as they drove.

 "I think we did pretty good tonight, yeah?" Daniel asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "When I heard the crowd cheering, I just figure we must be doing good."

 Alissa nodded. "Yeah, I think we were good. Those drums of yours sounded great."

 "Thanks. You sounded incredible."

 She smiled. "Thanks."

 They fell silent again. Alissa knew what she wanted to say to him, but didn't know how to tell him.

 "Hey, I wanted to ask you," she began. "Have you ever dated someone who in the same band as you?"

 "Have I ever-" he glanced over at her. "No, I haven't. Um, you mind if I ask why?"

 "I guess I was just wondering if it could cause problems. Michael and Angela used to date, but they don't really talk about it anymore."

 "Well, I guess it depends on the situation," said Daniel. "Yeah, they had some problems, but I know they also had some good times together. And these days, they peacefully co-exist together and work together, and that's important."

 "Yeah, I guess it is," Alissa said.

 "You haven't got a thing for any of the guys, do you?" he asked. "If I do, I won't tell. It can be our little secret."

 "No, definitely not," she said quickly, but she could tell from his smile that he as joking.

 "As soon as we have the chance," he said, "I'd like to take you out on a real date if you think you could tolerate me."

 "Aw, tolerating you isn't that hard. Yes, I would like it if we did. But for now, I think we should get back before anyone gets too suspicious."

 He sighed. "Yeah, you're right. We still have more shows to be ready for. We are Arch Enemy, after all. But I promise, we'll get a chance."

 She smiled. "I know."

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