A Little More Sneaking (Smoor)

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A sequel to 'Being Nowhere' (first story in this book)


 After their bandmates had spent their time looking for them and wondering where they were, both Floor and Simone suddenly reappeared where they were supposed to be.

 "Hey. Where have you been?" Marco asked Floor when he saw her sneaking up. "We're starting soon, and we've been looking for you. Everything alright?"

 Floor nodded. "Yeah. I was just, uh, looking around. First time here, so I thought I'd go take everything in."

 "Floor!" Tuomas cried when he saw her. "When did you get here?"

 "Just now," she answered.

 "Well, where have you been? It's almost time to start!"

 "Relax, she just went sightseeing," said Marco. "See, I told you she'd be back before we had to get started."

 "Yeah, come on, Tuomas, you know I wouldn't miss a show," Floor added. "I was keeping track of the time, I promise."

 Tuomas nodded. "Okay. Sorry. I think I'm overreacting. Um, let's just finish getting ready."

 When Tuomas had walked away, Marco asked Floor, "Were you actually out sightseeing or whatever?"

 "Yeah. Where else would I have been?"

 "Oh, you weren't out sightseeing," said Emppu, who had appeared next to Marco. "You have the look of someone who's been up to something and doesn't want anyone to know."

 "All right, then, Emppu." Floor placed her hands on her hips. "What's your theory?"

 "I don't have a theory. But you look like you've been up to something. You're not gonna fool us."

 "I just fooled Tuomas," Floor pointed out.

 "Ah! So, you were up to something."

 Marco looked back and forth between his friends and said, "You know, maybe we should do what Tuomas said and finish getting ready."

 "Fine by me," said Floor. "I don't need to get interrogated."

 When she had marched away from them, Emppu said to Marco, "Oh, come on, you know I'm right."


 Meanwhile, Simone had gone backstage to where Mark was tuning up his guitar, and she tapped him on the shoulder.

 "We ready for this?" she asked. 

 He looked up at her, and looked surprised. "Simone! Where have you been? I was looking for you earlier."

 "Oh, I kind of just wandered off for a bit. I'm not late for anything, am I?"

 "No, no, we still plenty of time. It's just...not really like you to go wandering off. Is everything okay?"

 "Yeah." Simone smiled. "There's a first time for everything, you know."


 Simone: Everything good where you are?

 Floor: Besides the interrogation, yeah.

 Simone: Really? I told Mark I had wandered off for a bit, and he seemed like he believed it.

 Floor: Well, everything's okay here now. Was really just a few questions, anyway. See you later?

 Simone: Count on it.

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