The Moving Day (Floorja)

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 A sequel to 'The Pregnant Predicament' and 'Wanting To Be Here'


 Floor set her suitcase down on the floor of Tarja's room. She'd been in there plenty of times before, but this time it was different.

 "Are you okay?" Tarja asked her.

 Floor nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

 "Okay. Well, unpack. Relax. Everything's fine. I'll make dinner tonight."

 Tarja stepped out of the room, and Floor listened to her go down the stairs. Then she sat down on the bed and gazed around the room.

 It had been about a week ago that Tarja suggested Floor officially move in with her and Naomi.

 "Are you sure?" Floor had asked her. "I mean, I guess I was hoping you wouldn't be too annoyed that I'm here all the time, but you really want me to move in with you?"

 "Of course I do," Tarja replied. "You're always spending time here, so we may as well make it official."

 Floor didn't hesitate any longer to say yes. She moved out of her own place and into Tarja's as quickly as possible.

 Floor left her suitcase opened-she could worry about unpacking later. She went across the hall to the nursery, where Naomi was asleep for the moment.

 "Hey, sweetheart," she whispered. "Guess what? I'm officially moving in, so we can have even more fun together. I guess I'm kind of like your stepmother now. But I'm not like the scary ones from the fairy tales. We're all gonna have a lot of fun together, I promise. Now, please, stay asleep for a little while longer."

 After dinner, Floor finally began unpacking her suitcases while Tarja was in the nursery with Naomi. When she opened the closet, she saw that Tarja had already pushed all of her clothes to one side so Floor could have her own half of the closet space. She smiled as she began putting all of her things away.

 She was just closing the closet doors again as Tarja came in.

 "Thank you for making some room for me," Floor said. "It was a smart idea, dividing the closet in half."

 Tarja smiled and shrugged. "It's not the first time I've had a smart idea."

 Floor smiled back. "Oh, I know. Saying yes to your invitation to move in was probably one of the smartest things I've ever done." She gave Tarja a kiss on the cheek. "I can't tell you how happy I am that I get to be here with you both."

 Tarja opened her mouth to say something else, but the sound of Naomi crying came from across the hall.

 "Oh, I just put her down," Tarja moaned. "Stay here. I will be right back, I promise."

 Floor smiled and sat down on the bed as Tarja went to go calm Naomi down.

 This was now home.

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