Continuous Texting (Tarja, Anette and Floor)

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 Tarja and Anette

 Tarja: Hey, do you have a minute?

 Anette: Sure. What's up?

 Tarja: Have you talked to Floor lately?

 Anette: Not really. Why?

 Tarja: I have the feeling something's wrong. She's been acting kind of weird.

 Anette:  Are you sure? She hasn't acted that weird with me lately.

 Tarja: Could it be something I did?

 Anette: I doubt it. Maybe she had a bad day.

 Tarja: But it's every time we talk, for the last month I think.

 Anette: Don't know what that's about then.


 Anette and Floor, a little while later

 Anette: U busy?

 Floor: No. Why?

 Anette: Tarja texted that u were acting weird talkin to her

 Floor: Was I acting weird?

 Anette: She said so. You ever gonna tell her u like her?

 Floor: why would u think that?

 Anette: Remember that time we were all hangin together and u were giving her weird looks?

 Anette: And don't say u weren't, cause I saw u. I was a third wheel that night.

 Floor: You weren't the third wheel.

 Anette: Oh, yeah, i was. Maybe she likes u. She seemed worried.

 Floor: Well, what do u want me to do?

 Anette: Ask her to hang out. She might say yes.

 Floor: and what if she doesn't like me, and i just look stupid?

 Anette: You can say you tried.

 Floor: Fine. If it doesn't work, it's your fault.


 Floor and Tarja, the next day

 Floor: Hey. Do you have any free time?

 Tarja: I do this weekend. Why?

 Floor: I thought we could hang out together.

 Tarja: That sounds great. We should invite Anette, too.

 Floor: No, I think Anette's gonna be busy. I would rather it be just the two of us.

 Tarja: Okay. I'll let you know when I'm free.


 Anette and Floor, two days later

 Floor: All right, you witch, how did you know?

 Anette: Know what?

 Floor: That Tarja like me too. Did she tell you?

 Anette: She didn't have to. It was obvious. I told u, third wheel.

 Floor: Was it that obvious?

 Anette: Yeah, it was. And I was right, wasn't I?

 Floor: Yeah. Whatever.

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