The Shirt (Flaron)

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 Sharon was excited to have the chance to go over to Floor's house to hang out. They hadn't seen much of each other lately, which disappointed Sharon. She wondered if it disappointed Floor, too.

 When she arrived, Floor greeted her with a big smile and a hug, and immediately invited Sharon inside.

 "I'm glad you were able to come by," said Floor. "It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you."

 Sharon nodded. To her, it had certainly felt like forever.

 "What have you been doing in here?" she asked as they walked into the kitchen.

 "I was going to make smoothies. I've been looking at these recipes I found. I thought strawberry smoothies sounded good." Floor went to the counter and began to pile things into the blender.

 "Are you sure you've get the recipe right?" Sharon asked.

 "Yeah." Floor pulled out her phone and began to scroll through it. "It says-"

 That was as far as she got. While she was looking at her phone, she pressed the 'on' button for the blender, immediately causing whatever she had put in it to go flying in all directions. She turned it off as quickly as she could when she realized what had happened.

 "Unbelievable," she said out loud to herself. "Who turns on a blender and doesn't bother to put the lid on?" She looked at Sharon. "'s a bathroom down the hall if you want to...clean up. Sharon, I am so sorry about-"

 "It's okay," said Sharon. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

 She hurried to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Her shirt was covered in strawberry and whatever else Floor had put in the blender. She sighed; it really did look terrible.

 Something hanging on the end of the towel rack caught her eye. It was a shirt, in a pretty deep blue. She had never seen it before, but figured it had to be Floor's. She pulled off her own shirt and tried on the blue one. It wasn't too big, and the color actually looked nice on her. Well, maybe Floor wouldn't mind if she borrowed it.

 She went back to the kitchen, where Floor seemed to have abandoned the smoothie idea. When she saw Sharon, she asked, "Is that my shirt?"

 Sharon nodded. "Yeah. Mine's kind of ruined, and I saw this one hanging on the towel rack. I hope you don't mind."

 Floor shrugged. "It's okay. It looks good on you, probably better than it does on me. Here, let me wash yours. It shouldn't take too long."

 Sharon smiled to herself as Floor went to the washing machine. She wasn't sure why, but it made her want to smile to think that Floor thought her shirt looked nice on her.

 Sharon wore the blue shirt for the rest of her day with Floor, until her own was clean again. She was going to gave the other one back to Floor, but she said, "You should hold onto it for now. You can always give it back next time."

 Sharon nodded. "Oh. Okay, then. Thanks, Floor."

 Sharon went home thinking about next time. There would have to be a next time, since she still had to return Floor's shirt. It made her happy to think about, so went home thinking about that next time, hoping it would be sometime soon.

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