I Still Love You (Sharja)

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 Tarja Turunen hadn't seen Sharon den Adel in two months. The two women had grown apart in their relationship, and by now they had become estranged. Tarja wasn't sure how exactly the estrangement happened. In the early days of their relationship, they were so happy together, and it felt like they could do anything together if they put their minds to it. But somewhere along the line, everything changed.

 After the first year, things became more strained. They began arguing, they spent more time apart, and each one felt like they didn't really know what the other was thinking. Eventually, they came to a mutual agreement that they should take a break from their relationship for a while, and see where things could go form that point.

 During the two months they were separated, all Tarja could think of when Sharon came to mind was that she missed her. She missed her so badly, and she wanted her back. She was willing to work things out and make compromises and do whatever else she would have to do to work things out. She missed being able to at least have a casual conversation with Sharon; the two women had only talked over the phone a few times, and their conversations were always short and tense.

 Eventually, after two months, Tarja got an unexpected call from Sharon one morning.

 "I didn't wake you, did I?" Sharon asked.

 "No, I was already up," Tarja answered, which was a lie, but she didn't want Sharon to think she had caused a problem.

 "Oh. So, I'm on my to the airport. I'm heading your way, and I should be there sometime this evening. If you would want to meet up or anything, I mean."

 "I'll meet you at the airport," Tarja said. "I don't have anything else planned for the evening, and I'd be glad to meet you there."

 "Okay. That's great. Um, I guess I'll see you then."

 Tarja couldn't have been happier to know that Sharon was on her way. It was about time they met up in person and decided on whether or not they should stay together. She hoped Sharon would say yes and come back to her.


 Tarja didn't go to the airport until after a quick dinner. She'd been nervous, and found that she didn't really feel like eating anything.

 She wound up waiting for a few hours, but eventually she caught sight of Sharon coming through the airport terminal, suitcase in tow. She got up and walked towards her, trying not to run.

 "You look exhausted," she said when she was close enough to get a good look at Sharon's face.

 Sharon nodded. "Long day, long flight. I'm glad to be here, though. You seem like you're still you. And that's a good thing. It's nice to be back with the Tarja I know and love."

 Tarja smiled and hugged her. "I've missed you. I'm sorry our relationship was going south."

 "So am I. From now on, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I think if we try, we can work everything out. Can we go to your house?" Sharon asked. "I think it would I recharge in a familiar environment."

 "Of course we can." Tarja took her hand. "Come on. We can catch up on everything we've both been up to in the last couple of months."

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