Vacation Debate (Wensen)

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 Charlotte was still sleeping when Floor woke up that morning. She went to the window and pulled back the curtains. The sun had started rising, and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. A perfect day to officially start their vacation.

 "Is it morning already?" she heard Charlotte mumble from the bed.

 "Looks like it," Floor answered. "The sun's coming up, and there's no clouds in sight. That looks like a sign of a great vacation, doesn't it?"

 "I guess so. It's still early, though. We don't have to go anywhere yet, do we?"

 "You really want to stay in bed on a day like this? I told you, you shouldn't have stayed up that late reading."

 "It was a good book. And I'm not going to stay in bed all day." Charlotte sat up. "I'm pretty much awake now. And I'm hungry. We should get breakfast."

 Floor smiled. "I was thinking the same thing. Come on. We'll get dressed and get breakfast, and then we'll decide what we're going to do today."

 The problem began at breakfast, when they began to discuss what would do for the day.

 "There's a museum nearby I thought we could check out," said Floor. "It sounds fun."

 "Really? I thought we could just go down to the beach for today," Charlotte replied.

 "Couldn't we do that tomorrow?"

 "We don't know what the weather will be tomorrow. It looks pretty great today, and for all we know there could be a thunderstorm tomorrow."

 Floor sighed. "I don't feel like the beach."

 "Well, I don't feel like being indoors."

 This was followed by a long, uncomfortable silence, during which they tried to finish their breakfast without any arguing.

 "You know, it's only our first day here," Floor pointed out. "Why don't we just go exploring for today, and then do something more specific tomorrow? We have time."

 Charlotte nodded. "That sounds good. It's better than this debate."

 So, the two women did spend the day exploring after that. And it was a good thing they didn't go to the beach, because it began to rain in the afternoon.

 "What a day," Charlotte said, looking at the rain through the window of their hotel room. "Stuck in here while it's pouring out there."

 Floor shrugged. "It could have been worse. We could have had a blizzard." 

 Charlotte smiled. "Yeah, I guess so. We'd really be stuck then."

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