Birthday Day (Jandahl)

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 Floor slept later than usual that morning. It was her birthday the next day, and she didn't have anything important planned, so why bother getting up early?

 She was eventually woken up by what sounded like her daughter's cries.

 "Come on," she heard Hannes whispering. "Let's see Mommy's awake yet."

 Floor opened her eyes to see Hannes entering the room with Freja in his arms.

 "Is it morning already?" she asked.

 Hannes smiled. "Sure is, birthday girl. Freja wanted to come say happy birthday. Isn't that right?"

 "Aw, come here, you." Floor sat up and took her daughter in her arms. Freja started babbling in some sort of baby talk, like she was trying to say something.

 "She hasn't quite gotten 'Happy Birthday' right yet," Hannes said, "But it sounds like she can say 'Mama'."

 When Floor listened closely, it did sound like Freja said 'Mama'. She hugged her daughter and said, "If you're trying to say 'Happy Birthday' to Mommy, then thank you, sweetie. So, what plans do you two have in store for today?"

 "Oh, plenty." Hannes crossed his arms and nodded. "Freja's quite the devious little planner, you know."

 "Oh, is she?" Floor laughed. "Well, what have we deviously planned, hmm?"

 "How about breakfast in bed to get you started? She's a wild one, and you're going to have a lot of family and friends who will want to wish you a happy birthday."

 By time they had finished breakfast in bed and cleaned up a messy kitchen, it was getting very late in the morning.

 "Well, now that all that's out of the way," Hannes said, "What do you want to do?"

 Floor shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I was kind of hoping to take it easy today."

 Hannes smiled. "That's what I thought, so we didn't plan anything too wild. But I think Freja would like it if we had a fun day of play, just the three of us."

 Floor smiled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "That sounds perfect."

 They ended up spending a lot of the day running around the house playing games, although Floor did spend some time on the phone talking to and accepting birthday wishes from family and friends.

 "You see?" Hannes said to her. "I told you you'd have a bunch of people wishing you a happy birthday. Everyone loves you."

 That evening, after dinner, Hannes pulled a somewhat messy-looking cake that he said he and Freja had made themselves.

 "And which one of you did the more mess-making?" Floor asked.

 "Well, between the two of us, I think it would be hard to tell," Hannes replied with a smile.

 He then sang 'Happy Birthday' while Freja did more babbling that sounded like she was trying to sing along.

 After the cake, Floor and Hannes brought a tried Freja up to bed, and she soon fell asleep.

 "She's getting better at sleeping through the night," Hannes whispered, "So let's hope she'll give Mommy and Daddy a chance to rest."

 When they got to their room, Hannes said, "I do have something for you besides the cake." He pulled a small box out from one of the dresser drawers, and held it out to Floor. "For you."

 Floor opened it, and smiled. Inside was a necklace a small, heart-shaped pendant. "Oh, Hannes. Thank you, it's beautiful."

 "I'm glad you like it." He sat down next to her on the bed and kissed her cheek. "I showed to Freja to get some input, and she gave me a bunch of baby talk that I think meant she liked it."

 Floor laughed. "Well, I'm glad it's Freja-approved." She gave him a hug. "Thank you so much for the fun today, Hannes. I'm so lucky to have you both."

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