An Offer Hard to Refuse (Tarjette)

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 A sequel to 'Much Too Full of Herself' and 'You Can't Charm Everyone' (I know it's been quite a while since I write those two, but I would recommend reading them before reading this one)


 "I have bad news, Olzon," Lady Floor said one morning over a quiet breakfast. "Tomorrow I will be off to visit my sister." 

 "To see Lady Irene?" Anette asked. "I didn't realize you were still speaking to her." 

 "I wasn't for a while, but she is going to be giving birth soon, and she wants her sister there with her, God help both of us. I'm assuming her husband and her servants aren't much help at all if she wants me there." 

 "Perhaps the idea of having her older sister with her helps her nerves," Anette suggested. "It may be good to at least pay her a short visit to see how well she is." 

 "Yes, perhaps. It's a long ride there, so I may as well stay for a little while. I would ask you to go with me, Olzon, but I need you here to run the household in my absence. I don't have anyone to trust with watching my house. Perhaps next time." 

 Anette nodded. "Of course. I will certainly take care of the household while you're gone." 

 Floor left early the next morning, leaving her maid alone to run the household in her absence. Anette was perfectly fine with what she was left to do; in fact, her first few days were much easier and more relaxing than any day she had to spend following her mistress around. 

 But a few days after Floor's departure, they had a visitor. It was the Countess Cabuli, of all people. When she told the butler to tell the countess Floor was away, he replied that the countess was there to see her, not her mistress. 

 Countess Cabuli was already seated in the parlor when Anette walked in. She dropped a quick curtsey and said, "Good afternoon, my lady." 

 "Ms. Olzon." She gave Anette a charming smile. "I am told that Lady Floor is away?" 

 "Yes, I'm afraid she is. She has gone to visit her sister. I don't know when she will return, but she said she will write ahead to me when she is." 

 "I see. Well, I did come here to see you, anyhow. Do sit down. This is your home." 

 Anette sat down in a chair, feeling rather uncomfortable. She had thought about the Countess quite often since her last visit. She couldn't understand why this woman liked her so much, when Lady Floor was the everyone was always attracted to. 

 "I recall the last time I was here," the Countess continued, "I made you an offer. Have you considered working for me?" 

 "I have...thought about it, of course," Anette said. "But I really can't leave Lady Floor. It just wouldn't feel right to do so."

 The Countess nodded. "You're very loyal. I like that about you. I do understand. But in that case, perhaps we could be friends." 

 "Oh." Anette thought quickly. "Friends. Well, yes, I suppose we could." 

 Now, this was something Anette would not have considered doing if her mistress were there. But Floor had to be over being rejected by the Countess Cabuli by now. Besides, she were away, and she wouldn't really object to Anette having a new friend, would she? 

 Of course, that friendship the Countess offered became an affair between the two women. It didn't take long for that to happen. Anette would get away from the house whenever she could, saying she was handling some business for Lady Floor, and no one questioned it, of course. Anette was surprised by how quickly she had fallen for the Countess. The Countess-Tarja, her first name was-also seemed to be genuinely attracted to her, even though she already had a husband. Anette never met the Count Cabuli; the Countess thought it was better to keep them separate from each other, for obvious reasons. 

 However, Anette didn't realize just how much she was enjoying herself in her mistress's absence until Floor wrote to her to tell her she was coming home. Anette began to panic; what would Lady Floor say if she found out her maid had been up to in her absence? It was very unlikely she would be amused. 

 When Anette told Tarja, she simply said, "Don't worry about a thing, Anette. I can make sure this continues in secret as long as you don't let her have any clue about it. I can speak to her myself if needed." 

 On the day Floor arrived home, Anette couldn't help feeling nervous as she helped her with her luggage. 

 "I assume everything was well in my absence?" she asked. 

 "Of course, my lady," Anette answered. "Nothing out of the ordinary. How is Lady Irene?" 

 "Oh, she had the baby. It took long enough. I have a nephew, if you can believe it. Any visitors?" 

 "Well...the Countess Cabuli was here a few days after your departure. She offered me a job again, but I said no." 

 Floor gave a long look. "Anette Olzon, I will never figure out how you put up with me, so much so that you refused another position. Can you see if the cook would be so kind as to prepare an early dinner? I'm starving." 

 So, it seemed she didn't suspect a thing, Anette thought as she went down to the kitchen. Perhaps she could actually get away with this. She had her job, one she would always want, and she had a wonderful lover in the Countess, however long that would last her. For now, she had both, and that made her very happy. 

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