Phone Addiction (Smoor)

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 Mark Jansen was honestly a little concerned about Simone Simons.

 Something had changed recently; he could tell that much just from looking at her. Whatever it was, it was something big. But she hadn't said anything to him about it, and not to anyone else, far as he knew.

 One day, he did try talking to her about it. He asked, "So, what have you been up to lately?"

 She shrugged. She was typing something on her phone, and didn't look up at him. "Not much. Some stuff."

 "Oh. Okay. Um...hey, how are things with you and Oliver? I haven't seen him in a while."

 "Oh. Yeah, we're not together anymore," Simone replied. "I broke up with him."

 "What?" This was certainly news to Mark. "What do you mean, you broke up with him? When did this happen?"

 She shrugged again. "About a month ago, I guess."

 "A month-Simone, why haven't you said anything?"


 Mark pried her phone from her hand. "Look, Simone, what's going on? There's been something going on with you lately. You're barely concentrating on work, you're always looking down at this." He held the phone in the air. "What happened with Oliver? Last time I checked, you two were very in love. Did he do something to you? Because if he did-"

 "Mark, please." Simone sighed and crossed her arms. "You don't have to go beat him up, even though it's kind of sweet of you to offer, and to be so concerned about me. I broke up with him because things just weren't working out with us. I think it was best that we both moved on."

 Mark happened to glance at the screen of Simone's phone as she was talking. She had been texting with someone, and as he looked at the string of back-and-forth texts, everything suddenly made sense.

 "Simone," he held up the phone again, "Did you break up with Oliver so you could date Floor Jansen?"

 Simone looked a little uneasy, and stared down at the floor. "Yeah, I did. I didn't even tell Oliver when I broke up with him, and I felt terrible. But there's just something about Floor, you know? I wanted to be with her."

 Mark sighed. "Christ, Simone, is that all that happened? Please, just say something next time, will you?"

 "So, you don't think it's weird that I'm suddenly dating Floor?"

 "Well, it-all right, it's going to be a little weird at first. Simone, you're not the first person to break up with someone so you can date someone else. Just don't stare at your phone so much, all right? You'll hurt your eyes."

 "Okay. I'll concentrate more, I promise."

 He nodded and smiled. "All right. Let's get to it, then."

 But Simone did check her phone a few more times that day, just to see if Floor texted her back.

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