Makeups (Charanne)

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 Dianne van Giersbergen sat alone in the airport that evening. She kept looking at her watch, kept looking at the schedules. It seemed like Charlotte's plane would be arriving on time; apparently, there were no delays. Dianne was torn: a part of her didn't want the flight to get in so soon, so she could have more time to think about what she was going to say. But then again, she felt like she was going to go crazy with all this waiting she was doing.

 Dianne and Charlotte had argued the last time they saw each other in person. They had walked away from each other while they were still angry, without talking about it again, and that was something Dianne regretted. She felt terrible about not apologizing, about letting Charlotte leave while they were still angry with each other.

 Charlotte had been away for a month, and in that time, neither one of them had really talked to the other. Dianne felt that it would be best if she apologized in person. Did Charlotte feel the same way? Could she also have felt that bad, and thought she should wait to talk it over in person? Or maybe Charlotte just didn't want to see her; Dianne hoped that wasn't it, because that would have been the worst thing.

 It was one fight about their relationship, Dianne thought. They could find a way to get past it and move on. Any other time the two of them had bickered about something in the past, they always came up with a compromise somehow; they were actually good at it. So, there had to be a way to figure this out, wasn't there? Dianne loved Charlotte, and do everything she could to find a way for it all to work out somehow.

 While Dianne was falling into the well of her thoughts, she didn't realize that Charlotte had arrived, and she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

 "Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," Charlotte said. "Are you okay?"

 "Yes, I am now."

 Dianne hadn't planned on throwing herself into Charlotte's arms, but she wound up doing it anyway. She was happy her girlfriend was back, and she wanted her to know how happy it made her to see her.

 "I'm sorry," she said. Her voice came out muffled since her face was buried in Charlotte's jacket. "I have missed you so much, and I knew it was probably best to apologize in person. I'm so glad you're here."

 "I feel the exact same way," Charlotte said, hugging her back. "I'm sorry I left things like that. I'm glad I'm here, too. So, I think we should go home for now and figure everything out in the morning. I've had a really long day."

 Dianne smiled. "Of course. Let's go home."

 She took Charlotte's hand, and they walked out of the airport together.

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