That Unforgettable Night (Michela)

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 Inspired by 'Moonlight Kissed' by Poets of the Fall

 A/N: The idea of writing an Angela Gossow/Michael Amott one-shot was recently suggested to me, and I will confess I've been kind of holding off on it because I wasn't sure what to write. Unlike the other pairings I've written about in this book so far (that I'm aware of, at least), this is one that actually happened in real life, and to me that just makes it different.

 The song above is 'Moonlight Kissed' by the Finnish rock group Poets of the Fall. it was the first song I heard from them when it happened to come up in my Youtube recommendations a couple of months ago, and I was just really touched by it, and I've certainly been listening to more of their music since then.


They both knew nothing would ever be the same.

 They parted on good terms-they had to, if they were working together-but that didn't make things any better.

 Angela and Michael loved each other. They had that connection from the beginning. They were a little alike, and understood each other, which made for great bandmates. But they soon became something more than just bandmates.

 There was plenty of trouble and skepticism, of course, but they never really cared about that. It didn't matter to them of others didn't think their relationship was right; they went and did it anyway, with no regrets.

 Everything was fine for a while, but that soon changed. Things seemed to progressively get worse, like it was just too hard for them. They felt like they couldn't keep going, couldn't go on. So, it ended.

 Breaking up didn't change their feelings; Angela still loved Michael, Michael still loved Angela. That just made seeing each other and working together all the time even worse. 

 Despite all the pain, they did their best to hold onto the good memories they had of their years together, and they was one particular memory they both kept in mind.


 Angela and Michael lay in the grass together, staring up at the moon and the stars.

 "You picked the perfect night for us to steal away,, didn't you?" Angela said. "Full moon, bright stars, not a cloud in the sky."

 "Yeah, I guess we got lucky. You like it that much out here?"

 "Yeah, of course. It's a beautiful night. It's perfect, Michael."

 "I think it pales in comparison to you," Michael replied, "However beautiful the nighttime scenery is."

 Angela smiled and snuggled closer to him. "You're serious?"

 "Of course I'm serious. I love you, Angela. You're the most beautiful woman I know."

 She looked over at him, looked into his eyes, and saw how much he really meant it.

"I love you, too, Michael." She gave him a kiss on the mouth, and laid her head against his chest.


  That was one of their better nights, a memory they both liked to remember. So, they held onto it, happy that they'd been able to have that time together.

 That did make things a little bit better.

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