She's A Vampire (Floorja)

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  Inspired by 'Vampire' by Xandria


 Bit by bit, Tarja had begun to suspect things about her friend Floor.

 Tarja had known from the night they first met that Floor was strange, and just not like other people. She didn't even know how she ended up being friends with Floor; she felt like she wasn't the kind of person Floor would usually hang out with.

 But Floor really was strange. She seemed to avoid standing in direct sunlight (she claimed to have sensitive skin), and whenever they were together Tarja hardly ever saw Floor eat or drink anything. She rarely talked about her own life, and avoided it as much as possible. True, Tarja liked her, but she just found her difficult to understand.

 It just so happened that one evening Tarja was home reading, and the book she was reading had to do with vampires. When she was reading the descriptions of the vampire, she thought, That sounds a little like Floor.

 To be sounded a lot like Floor, the sort of habits she had.

 Tarja closed the book. Floor couldn't be a vampire, though, could she? They didn't really exist.

 But she couldn't help it. She went to her computer and looked up whatever she could find about vampires. The more she learned, the more she realized how much it really sounded just like Floor. Which made her wonder all the more.


 It was getting dark as Tarja went to find Floor. She tended to frequent the alleyway outside the nightclub where they had met. Sure enough, she was there.

 "Evening, Tarja," she said. "I didn't know you'd be here tonight."

 "I hadn't planned on it," Tarja replied. "But I thought you might be here, and I wanted to see you. You're not busy, are you?"

 "Of course not. And if I were, I'd still make time to talk to you. So, what's on your mind?"

 Tarja knew what she wanted to say, but she didn't know how to begin, or how to word it. So, she did exactly what she didn't want to do. She simply blurted out, "Are you a vampire?"

 Floor raised her eyebrows. "A vampire? Is that a compliment or an insult?"

 "I'm serious," Tarja said. "It probably sounds silly, but I am. I was reading about vampires, and it just sounded so much like you. I didn't think vampires are real, but I have to ask, are you a vampire?"

 "Are you saying that because you read a story about a vampire that you think I'm one?"

 "There's too many similarities, Floor. Are you or not?"

 "That's not a good question for you to be asking." Floor's voice grew lower. "You wouldn't if you were smart."

 "Are you, then?" Tarja asked in a whisper.

 "Well, you're the one who did all the research."

 Tarja only had the faint lights from the nightclub and from a nearby streetlight to see by, but when Floor opened her mouth wider, she could clearly see two gleaming fangs. She gasped and quickly took a step back.

 Floor quickly closed her mouth again and looked. "Sorry. I probably should have been a little less dramatic about that."

 "How long have you been a vampire for?" Tarja asked.

 "A long time."

 "And you just...manage to keep it secret?"

 "Mm-hmm. Only ones who know are other vampires. Ones I know, ones I turned."

 "You've turned other people into vampires?"

 "Well, they wanted to be vampires. I wouldn't have bothered with them otherwise. I can even turn you if you want."

 "No. No," Tarja shook her head. "I should probably just go home."

 "Any chance we're still friends?" Floor asked. "I haven't done anything to you besides forget to mention that I'm a vampire."

 "I think I need to just go home. Goodnight, Floor."

 Floor listened to the sound of Tarja's footsteps as she briskly walked away. This was why she kept to herself as much as possible. If she made a human friend, and they found out, things would most likely descend into chaos.

 However, Floor trusted Tarja. She knew Tarja wouldn't go around telling people that the tall woman hanging around in the alley was a vampire, and she had a good feeling that Tarja would be back very soon. In her time, Floor had found that vampires seemed to have a way of being...irresistible.

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