The Dating Debate (Schleden)

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 Roel van Helden had had feelings for Falk Maria Schlegel since Roel first joined Powerwolf. He didn't know what it was about Falk, but he had been attracted to the band's keyboard player since day one. 

 Thankfully, it seemed like Falk was single; if he was in a relationship, he probably would have said something, and Roel would know-whenever Falk spoke, he basically hung onto his every word. There were a few times where he thought Falk might have shown a little interest in him, a kind of interest he didn't show the other guys. That gave Roel hope, but it also occurred to him that he should make sure Falk wasn't in any kind of romantic relationship with any of the other band members. 


 About an hour before one of their shows was starting, Roel was getting ready with Attila and Matthew. Falk was pals with Attila, and he also seemed to be very close with Matthew; one of them would surely know if Falk was definitely single. 

 Roel tried bringing the subject up in a casual manner, but instead he thought it wound up sounding strange and forced when he asked, "So, do either of you know if Falk is single?" 

 "If Falk is single?" Matthew repeated. "Yeah, I think so. He hasn't said anything about dating anyone. Has he said anything to you?" 

 "No," Roel answered quickly. "I was just wondering." 

 Matthew and Attila glanced at each other. Then Attila asked, "Well, you didn't think he was dating one of us, did you? If he was, it would have been obvious by now." 

 Roel didn't want to admit that he had wondering exactly that. "Um, are either of you dating him?" 

 "No! That was a joke, Roel," said Attila. "I've never seen Falk act interested in dating any of us." 

 "What's going on?" Matthew asked. "It just seems kind of weird that you would be asking." He paused. "Were you asking if he was single because you like him?"

 Roel sighed. Matthew was right, so there no point in avoiding the subject. 

 "I do," he admitted. "There's been a few times where I thought maybe he was interested in me, too, but then I wondered if maybe he was into one of you guys." 

 "Well, it's not either of us," said Matthew. "You have nothing to worry about there." 

 "All right. What about Charles?" asked Roel. "Actually, neither he or Falk are here with us right now." 

 "Actually, Charles is right here," said Charles, who had just walked up to them. "Now, what is this about me and Falk?" 

 "He thinks you might be dating him," Attila replied. 

 Charles stared at Roel. "I'm not even going to ask what gave you that idea. It's probably better I don't know the answer, anyway." 

 "Roel has a thing for Falk," Matthew explained. "He wanted to make sure Falk isn't dating anyone, and that includes us."

 "Well, you could have tried asking Falk about it," Charles pointed out. "And since when do you have a thing for him?" 

 "Since I first joined you guys," Roel admitted. 

 "It's been that long and you haven't done anything?" Attila asked. "What are you waiting for?"

 " know, I don't know." 

 "Maybe you should just go tell him," Matthew suggested. "If you don't and you keep waiting, he might actually find someone else."

 "You're right." Roel stood up. "You know what? I'll tell him I like him like that. Later, after the show." 

 The other guys groaned. 

 "We still have time before the show," said Attila. "Go tell him you want to go out with him!" 


 All four men turned at the sound of the voice. It was Falk. He was already in his stage costume and makeup, and he was staring at Roel. 

 "You know, I think this is our cue to go somewhere else," said Charles. "Come on, guys." He motioned for Attila and Matthew to follow him. Roel and Falk were left alone. 

 "How much of that conversation did you hear?" Roel asked, dreading the idea that he had heard everything. 

 "I heard enough," Falk walked up to him. "Roel, if you wanted to know if I was dating anyone, you could have asked me. And if it I liked you, why would I go out with one of the other guys?"

 Roel realized he was right. Maybe he had been too insecure about that, and he felt a little stupid now. 

 "I didn't know," Falk went on. "Yeah, I threw a few hints at you, and I thought you liked me too, but I didn't know it had been since we first met. I think maybe I should have been the one to say something sooner." 

 " too, then?" Roel asked. 

 Falk nodded. "Yes. It sounds like that whole conversation you just had with the others could have been avoided very easily if we'd been a little more honest." 

 They were standing very close together now, and it would have been easy for one to lean in and kiss the other. Roel thought about it, and he leaned in a little, but Falk leaned back. 

 "Well, we can't right now," he said. "We'll probably ruin the makeup, and then it would be pretty obvious that we were making out backstage. But...maybe later, after the show." 

 "Oh." Roel nodded. "Okay, then." 

 Falk smiled. "Good. Now, let's go. Besides, you wouldn't want one of the other guys to walk in on us making out, would you? That would just start another awkward conversation." 

 He took Roel's hand and led him out, and that night Roel grinned like an idiot throughout the whole show. The other guys guessed why, and said nothing about it. 

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