First Sight (Floorize)

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 Floor Jansen met Elize Ryd at a party one night. She first saw her on the other side of the room. She was in a conversation with someone, and she obviously had no idea Floor was looking at her. It made her feel a little awkward just staring at this woman. She wanted to know who she was. 

 There had to be someone at the party Floor knew who also knew this woman. All she would have to do was ask around. Maybe she could at least find out who she was and go introduce herself. 

 "Hey, there." Simone Simons came up to her. "You okay?" 

 "Yeah. Fine," Floor answered. "Hey, Simone, you know a lot of the people here tonight, right?" 

 "Yeah, I do. Why? Is there someone in particular you're interested in?"

 "Actually, there is." Floor looked back at her mystery woman. "Do you have any idea who that is?" 

 "Who?" Simone looked in the direction Floor was staring. "Oh, I see who you mean. That's Elize Ryd. Have you ever heard of Amaranthe?" 

 Floor nodded. "The name does sound familiar." 

 "She's one of their singers. We've been friends for a while now. I think you two would probably like each other." 

 Elize Ryd had spotted Floor and Simone looking at her. Simone smiled and waved at her. Elize waved back and made her way over. 

 "Hey, Simone." Elize reached over and hugged the red-haired woman. "It's always nice to see you." 

 "Aw, it's always nice to see you, too. Elize, this is Floor Jansen. Floor, Elize Ryd." 

 Elize raised her eyebrows. "From Nightwish? That's awesome. I've met the guys before, but I don't think we've met." 

 "No, we definitely haven't," Floor replied, because she absolutely would have remembered meeting this woman. 

 "Well, it's really nice to meet you, Floor. There's someone else I have to go talk to, though. But I will catch up with you two later," Elize said as she walked away. 


 Floor found Elize again later that night, when the party was ending and everyone was leaving. 

 "Hey, Elize," she said. "Um, I'm glad I caught you." 

 "I'm glad you did, too. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk earlier. We should hang out sometime. I just have a feeling we'd be friends, you know?" 

 "Yeah." Floor nodded. "I think so, too." 

 Before either of them left, they exchanged phone numbers and said good night, promising they would get in touch sometime soon. 

 As Floor was leaving, she decided that if Elize didn't call or text her in a few days, she would do it herself. She wanted to get to know Elize, and it wasn't something she was willing to put off. 

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