In This Old House (Rommy)

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 If your house is a very old one-at least decades old-and has any dark or violent history to it, there may or many not be a chance the house is haunted. It's possible that you'll just hear things every now and then, maybe something that sounds like footsteps or a whisper. It might not be actual ghosts, and despite whatever your imagination tells you, it might not actually be out to get you.

 Of course, not everyone is aware of such things.

 Roy couldn't sleep one night, and this is wasn't the first time he had felt uneasy. There had been more than one occasion when he thought he heard footsteps or a voice in the hallway, which had led him to begin leaving the hallway light on all night, just so he could be sure there was no one there.

 The first time it happened, he thought someone had broken into the house, but the doors were locked and there was no one there. He forgot it about for a little while after that, but then the same thing happened again, and eventually led him to think the house might be haunted.

 On this particular night, Roy thought he could hear the sound of footsteps treading lightly in the hallway. He got out of bed and went out into the hall, but there was no one there at all besides himself. So, he went back to bed, but then he knew he heard the creaking noise the stairs made whenever someone went up or down then. He went to the staircase, but there was no one on it, and no one in the front hall, either.

 I'm going to go insane if I keep acting like this, Roy thought.

 Roy went back to his room and began to gently shake Tommy, who was fast asleep and apparently wasn't hearing a thing.

 "Tommy, get up," he whispered. "This is important."

 "What?" Tommy opened his eyes and looked at the clock. "Roy, it's literally midnight. What's going on?"

 "I've been hearing things, Tommy. I've been hearing footsteps for the past couple of hours."

 "Footsteps?" Tommy sat up. "You think someone broke in?"

 "I haven't been downstairs, but I don't think anyone broke in."

 "All right." Tommy threw back the blanket and got out of bed. "Let's take a look around."

 Roy and Tommy turned on all the lights and searched the entire house, but came up with nothing. There was no one in the house besides them.

 "Are you sure you heard someone walking around?" Tommy asked Roy.

 "Yes, I did. At least I'm pretty sure I did. This has happened before. I'll hear footsteps or I'll hear what sounds someone talking, but there's never anyone there." Roy sighed. "I think my house might actually be haunted, for real. This has been happening to me too many times."

 "Hmm. Well, it doesn't have the kind of feel you'd think a haunted house would have. Every time I've been here, I've never anything sinister and threatening. Have you?"

 "No, I haven't," Roy answered. "Maybe the house just makes creaking noises because it's old. And if there were any evil spirits in the house, I guess they would have come for me by now; I've been here for a year already."

 "Exactly. Maybe you have less to worry about than you thought. I doubt anyone's out to get you." Tommy squeezed his hand. "You think you'll be able to sleep now?"

 Roy nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

 Roy did soon fall asleep, because it seemed that having Tommy to help him investigate made him feel more at ease than he was before.

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