Lovers' Fate (Kobravik)

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 Based on the song "She Moved Thru' The Fair"

A/N: For those of you who don't know the tune, "She Moved Thru' The Fair" is a traditional Irish folk song, and one of my favorites. But it's a sad song, I'll warn you.

 The video I'm including above is a rendition of the song by Celtic Thunder. I would also recommend the one by German singer Andreas Scholl. Those are the only ones I know that don't cut out any of the verses.


 Tommy sat on the hillside, waiting for his love to come meet him. She said she would talk to her parents about the possibility of them being married, and he would even talk to them himself it was necessary. He would beg them if it came to that.

 He didn't have to wait much longer. Kobra came running up the road, and smile on her face, and he knew it must have gone well.

 "What did they say?' he asked immediately. "Did you speak to them?"

 She nodded. "I did. They've said yes. My mother won't mind, and I got my father to agree."

 "Oh, Kobra." They embraced and held each other tight. "I thought you would be able to convince them."

 "Of course I would," she replied. "It won't be much longer now 'till our wedding day. You just wait and see. Now, come on." She took him by the hand. "The fair's today, and it's going to look suspicious if we're the only ones not there." 

 All day, Tommy could barely bring himself to leave Kobra's side. He watched her flit around, smiling and chatting with everyone who greeted her. She had to be the sweetest, friendliest person he knew, and everyone in their village loved her.

 But he couldn't help noticing a few people giving them strange looks as they walked together, hand-in-hand. It was true that they were a bit of an unlikely match, and perhaps it was simply surprising to some.

 When night began to fall, Tommy asked, "Can I walk you home?"

 Kobra shook her head.  "You know I'll be just fine walking home on my own. Besides, you have to get home yourself, and tell your family the news. We're getting married, remember? Goodnight, Tommy."

 He smiled and chuckled as he watched her skip home.


 He should have gone with her that night, he thought. If he'd just been there, if she hadn't been alone...

 Every day after the burial, he would go and stand by her grave, wondering why this had happened. Why did it have to be Kobra? She was still young, her entire life ahead of her. And now she would never get her chance. What was he to do without her?

 Tommy knew he was expected to move on eventually, but he didn't think he could. Not after losing her before they could even start their life together, even before their wedding. He never said so to anyone, but he silently wished he could have died along with her. It would have been better than being alone.

 One night, he dreamt of her. She stepped into the room, so softly that she made no sound at all. She said his name and smiled sadly. Then she took his hand and said, "It won't be long now 'till our wedding day, you know."

 Tommy was startled when he awoke from the dream. Dreams like that were said to be omens, bad omens. He knew exactly what it meant.

 He would be the next one to die.

 Their wedding day would certainly come, if they were doomed to meet again in the afterlife, and be wed for eternity.

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