Feelings Told (Manuanne)

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 Manuela Kraller had feelings for Dianne van Giersbergen. Manuela knew it was true, and she wasn't going to deny it.

 When Manuela first met Dianne, she wasn't sure how much she was really going to like her. It had surprised her that they became friends as quickly as they did, and that her feelings developed so fast. She really did have feelings for Dianne. The problem was that she didn't know how she would ever tell Dianne something like that, and the other woman seemed completely oblivious to Manuela's feelings.

 Her chance seemed to come one morning in the form of a phone call from Dianne, asking if she wanted to meet up later that day.

 "I've been kind of stressed out lately," she said, "And I think I need to go out and do something fun. You want to join me?"

 Manuela smiled. "Sure. Let's meet up this afternoon."

 That afternoon, Manuela answered the door to find Dianne standing outside.

 "Hey. I didn't think you would come over so early," Manuela said, surprised to see her.

 "Yeah, I thought maybe I'd come by a little early," said Dianne. "Can I come in?"

 "Sure." Manuela stepped to the side. "How have you been? It's been a while, and you said over the phone that you've been stressed."

 "Yeah. It's just life lately. But I'm okay, I promise. I've been trying to take some more time to relax, not push myself so hard. So, how are you?"

 Manuela shrugged. "Good, I guess."

 "Just good?"

 "Well, I don't know how else to describe how I've been."

 Dianne rolled her eyes. "Come on, Manuela. What have you been up to, hmm? Have you had any adventures, any exciting things? Are you dating anyone?"

 "No," Manuela replied. "Life's been ordinary. And I'm not dating anyone."

 "Oh. Well, neither am I. I've actually been trying to stay in the ordinary lately."

 "But you wanted to go out and do something fun," Manuela pointed out as they sat down on the sofa together.

 "Well, yeah, being ordinary you can't go do something fun every now and then." Dianne reached over and took the other woman's hand in hers. "Are you okay? You look like you're nervous about something. Is it me? I must be boring you." 

 Manuela shook her head. "You could never bore me, Dianne."

 Dianne nodded slowly. "Okay. Hey, Manuela...there's something I was meaning to ask you. Well, I've been meaning to ask you for a while. I can a real coward when I feel like it." She took a deep breath. "I know I asked if you wanted to go do something with me later. What if...it was a date instead? Like, a real date."

 Manuela felt her eyes widen. "A date?" she repeated.

 "Yeah. I just...I like you, Manuela. Really, seriously like you."

 Manuela was speechless. She spent a few seconds staring at Dianne wordlessly, and then threw her arms around her and hugged her.

 "Of course we can make it a date," she said. "I love it. I really, seriously like you, too."

 Dianne smiled. "Then I guess my faith was not misplaced. So, you want to get going, then?"

 Manuela smiled back. "Yes. Let's get going."

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