The Very Interruptive Evening (Kobravik + Elissa)

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 It started out as a quiet evening for Tommy Karevik and Kobra Paige. That was it; they didn't have anything special planned, just a quiet evening at home, just the two of them. 

 "This is nice," Kobra remarked. "We need more days like this." 

 "Always," Tommy agreed, wrapping his arm around her. "Perfect days just you and me." 

 This was soon interrupted by someone knocking very loudly on their door. 

 "We're not expecting anyone, are we?" Kobra asked. 

 "No. I'll see who it is." 

 Tommy answered the door to find it was his friend Alissa White-Gluz. She looked very distressed, and he didn't even have the chance to ask her what was going on before she said, "I need to talk to you about something. It's about Elize." 

 "Why, what happened?" Given her look and the sound of her voice, he thought something horrible must have happened to Elize, and would have gone to help them if something had happened. 

 "We had a fight. I think I really upset her, Tommy." 

 Tommy sighed, half with relief knowing Elize was probably still physically fine. "All right. Come in for a minute, tell me what's going on." 

 "Thanks." Alissa stepped into the front hallway. "I'm sure you must be busy, so I'll try not to take too long. So, me and Elize. I don't think we're on the same page with our relationship. I think she thinks we're a lot more serious than I thought. I mean, we haven't been together that long. I guess we just had different thoughts. But I really am very serious about her, and I want her to believe that." 

 "Wouldn't the best thing be to just tell her that, and try to get on the same page?" Tommy suggested. 

 Alissa nodded. "Yeah. I guess I should." She exhaled deeply. "Okay. I'm gonna go find Elize and tell her. Thanks, Tommy." 

 Tommy showed her to the door, and went back to the living room, where Kobra asked, "Was that Alissa?" 

 "Yeah, there's something going on with her and Elize. They had a fight. Alissa came to ask me for advice, and I think she thought Elize might have come here. But I think whatever it is they can work it out themselves." 

 Of course, not too long after that, there was another knock at the door. Tommy sighed and said, "I'll see who it is." 

 As he suspected, this time it was Elize Ryd on his doorstep. She looked quite upset, and she asked, "Can I come in for a minute?" 

 Tommy forgot about her interrupting his evening with Kobra when he saw the look on her face. "Yeah, come in. What's going on?" 

 "It's Alissa," Elize began. "I don't think she's been taking our relationship as seriously as I have. I've been serious and all-in from the beginning, but now I don't know if she is. We had a fight about it, and I feel bad about it now, but I don't know what to do." 

 Tommy sensed her problem. If he were in the same position as her, he would mostly likely be a little distressed himself. 

 "Okay. Well, hadn't Alissa recently been through a breakup when she started going out with you? I remember her telling me that." 

 Elize nodded. "Yeah, she was." 

 "All right, so maybe she just wanted to take things with you at a slower pace. I doubt it's that she isn't serious about you." 

 "You think so?" Elize's face suddenly looked hopeful. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I have to go talk to Alissa." She hugged him. "Thank you so much, Tommy." 

 "Let me guess," said Kobra as Tommy walked back in after Elize left, "That was Elize coming to ask the same thing?" 

 "Exactly the same thing," Tommy answered. "I think if they just have a conversation about it, they can get on the same page and move on." 

 Kobra smiled. "Oh, don't act so grumpy. It's nice seeing giving advice to your friends and helping them work out their problems, and I know that deep down you don't mind helping them out." 

 A little while later, there was a third knock at the door. 

 "Someone else looking for relationship advice?" Kobra suggested. 

 "I hope not," said Tommy. "I think I've given all the advice I can give for one day." 

 He was surprised to see it was Elize and Alissa together. 

 "I saw Elize coming here to see you," Alissa began, "And I waited so I could talk to her." 

 "You really helped us, Tommy," Elize continued. "We've worked out our differences and we're on the same page now, just like you said we should try to. We wanted to come say thank you. We know we probably interrupted something, but you were a good friend and listened to us complain." 

 They both took turns hugging him, and Tommy didn't know what to say besides mumble a "You're welcome". 

 Kobra came to the door and asked, "Since you ladies sorted out your problem, why don't you come join us for a little while? I'd like to hear how Tommy helped you out. I didn't know he was that good at giving relationship advice." 

 Quickly agreeing, Elize and Alissa followed Kobra inside hand-in-hand. It was the end of Tommy and Kobra's time just the two of them, but having friends over wasn't so bad, either.

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