Someday Arrives (Rommy)

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A sequel to "The Someday Idea" 


 It had been a few months since the idea of getting married had brought up in a conversation between Tommy and Roy. Tommy had no idea if Roy had thought about it again since they talked about it; if he had, he didn't say anything. 

 Tommy himself had certainly not forgotten about it. He wondered if proposing would even be a good idea. What was he supposed to do if Roy said no? If that happened, things would probably end up being too awkward to handle, and Tommy didn't want something like that to happen. On the other hand, though, there was a chance it would work out, and he was absolutely willing to take that chance. 

 Tommy called Roy one morning to ask him out on a picnic that afternoon. 

 "A picnic?" Roy repeated. "Really? It's not that warm out, and it looks like it might rain." 

 "Well..." Tommy looked out his window and saw Roy did have a point there. "All right, well, I think we have a chance of getting to the park before any rain. What do you say?" 

 "All right, I guess-" 

 "Great, I'll pick you up in an hour," Tommy cut in, and hung up before he could say something stupid. 

 Tommy did his best to put a picnic together (it wasn't exactly his specialty), and then drove to pick up Roy. 

 "Do you have everything for a picnic?" Roy asked as he got in the passenger seat. 

 "Yeah. I mean, I think so," Tommy answered. "We should be fine, but I brought an umbrella in case we get rained out." 

 When they drove up to the park, Tommy remarked, "It looks like no one's around." 

 "They probably saw the sky and decided it wasn't worth it," said Roy. "We're not afraid of a little rain, though." 

 For a quick moment, Tommy wished a thunderstorm would suddenly show up and ruin the afternoon so they could just go home. He was meaning to propose that afternoon; a proposal at an afternoon picnic had sounded pretty good in his head, but now that it was actually happening he was nervous. 

 "Hold on a second." Tommy scrambled out of the car. Roy had already gotten out and was about to open the back door to get the picnic basket. "There's something I have to ask you first." 

 Roy looked up at him. "Well, that doesn't sound ominous at all. What is it?"

 "Do you remember when we talked about the idea of getting married a few months ago?" 

 "Yeah. Why?" 

 Tommy had already decided what he was going to say, but now he couldn't seem to get the words out his mouth. But apparently, he didn't have to say anything: Roy looked down at the picnic basket, and then looked over at the park. 

 "Oh. This time you actually did bring me out here to propose to me, didn't you?" he asked. 

 "Um...yeah." Tommy felt he should have known Roy would guess what he was trying to say when he mentioned the conversation they had a few months ago. 

 "So...this is it, then? You're really, actually asking me to marry you? Right now?" 

 Tommy nodded. "Yes." Then he remembered he hadn't actually asked the question. "Will you marry me?" 

 They were both still standing on opposite sides of the car, and now Roy went around to Tommy's side and kissed him. 

 "So, is that a yes?" Tommy asked when they broke apart. 

 "What else would it have been? Of course it's a yes, Tommy." 

 They both looked up at the sky. There had been a sudden boom that sounded like thunder. 

 "I think maybe we should eat the lunch in the car instead," Tommy suggested. 

 But it didn't really make a difference now. They were both happy either way. 

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