An Ordinary Day (Korstina)

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 Korey Cooper woke up to the feeling of someone tugging on the blanket.

 "Hey, wake up," she heard Cristina saying. "It's morning."

 "Is it already?" Korey asked. "Is the sun even up yet?"

 "Yep. Coming up now. See?"

 Korey looked over at the window to see the sun was on the rise.

 "I didn't think you liked getting up early," she said.

 "Not usually. But we have the whole day to ourselves today. We should do something, you know?"

 "I guess so." Korey sat up and stretched. "But first is showering and breakfast. And don't eat up all the cereal before I can get some. I'd rather not spend the day grocery shopping."

 After getting dressed and having breakfast, Korey settled down on the sofa to read for a bit. She hadn't made any plans for the day, and had expected to just take it easy.

 "Hey." Cristina sat down and wrapped her arms around her. "So?"

 "So, what?" Korey asked with a giggle.

 "What do you want to do today? We've got the whole day together, just us."

 Korey shrugged. "I don't know. I'd kind of just planned on taking it easy today. What did you have in mind?"

 Cristina shrugged, too. "I don't know, really. I thought we could just go out. Go for a drive, a walk in the park. Or if you'd rather stay in, we can do that, too. Whatever you want, Kor."

 Korey looked out the window. It actually was a nice day; sunny, not many clouds.

 "I guess we could go out for lunch today," she said. "Maybe we could have an afternoon out, you know? Maybe dinner, too."

 Cristina smiled. "You know, I've always liked your way of thinking."

 "Oh, you're just happy you won't have to cook anything."

 "Well, there is that. And I'll be spending the day with you. Come on, honey, get your shoes."


 At the end of the day, Korey and Cristina sat together on a bench in the park, holding hands.

 "I'm glad we went out today," Korey said as they watched the sun going down.

 "Me, too," said Cristina. "You're pretty great, and fun to hang out with."

 "So are you." Korey gave her a kiss. "I love you, Cristina Scabbia."

 Cristina smiled. "Well, I love you too, Korey Cooper." She wrapped her arm around the other woman. "Any day with you is a good one, even if it were a blizzard."

 "Well, let's hope we don't get caught in one," Korey chuckled.

 "If we did, you know I'd protect you, keep you warm and everything."

 Korey rested her head on Cristina's shoulder. "I know you would."

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