The Runaways (Floorja)

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 Tarja never thought she would actually consider running away from home. But to her surprise, she did.

 Tarja knew running from your problems isn't the best idea. But she wanted to, very badly. To be able to just leave home, and go leave somewhere else, somewhere there were no bad things, sounded perfect in her mind.

 But she could never run away by herself. There was someone who would have to join her, someone she could never leave behind.


 Tarja looked up at the window. She could see a light on, so she assumed Floor was still awake. She took out her phone and texted as fast as she could. 

 Go to your window. I'm outside.

 She waited, hoping Floor would see it. But it wasn't even a whole thirty seconds before Floor opened the window.

 "What are you doing here?" she called softly.

 "I wanted to see you," Tarja called back. "Can I come up?"

 "Well, I hope you don't plan on scaling up the house. I'll let you in through the back door. My parents sleep like the dead; they won't hear us."

 Tarja went around to the back door as Floor unlocked it.

 "So, you suck out of your house late at night so you could sneak into my house," said Floor. "You're not one to sneak out, so I know you must have a really good reason."

 "I guess so. I've been thinking about running away."

 Floor raised her eyebrows. "What, running away from home? Where'd you get that idea from?"

 "Pretty much everything. My family feels like it's falling apart, I'm doing as well in school as I used to. The friends I had don't feel like my friends anymore; we're too different these days. I know running away is really dramatic, and a bad idea, which is why I need someone to talk me out of it."

 "Well, I don't know if you're coming to the right place if you want someone to talk you out of it," Floor admitted. "As soon as I've graduated, I want to leave. Just get out of this town, you know? Go be something somewhere. So, I'm the person who might agree with you. But weren't you planning to go to college?"

 "I thought about it," said Tarja, "But I don't know what I want to be."

 Floor shrugged. "Well, you don't have to go to college immediately after high school. But once we've graduated from high school, we'll be adults. We could leave if we wanted to, make ourselves a life somewhere else. There's no guarantee it would work out, but it's always worth a try."

 "You really think so?" Tarja asked. "I...I was going to to ask you if I ran away...if you would come with me."

 Floor smiled. "You know I would've said yes. Now, come on, Turunen, out of my house and go home before I start coming up with more ideas."

 "Okay. Hey, Floor," Tarja opened the back door, "Let's run away together?"

 Floor nodded. "Someday. Just not tonight. These escape operations take planning."

 As she hurried back to her home, Tarja began to feel that whatever she and Floor planned wouldn't be running away. They would just be leaving, starting new lives somewhere. That sounded much better than just running away from home.

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