Beginning of the Last (Floorja)

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 An AU set in the world of 'Harry Potter'


 Tarja looked around the platform. The Hogwarts Express had just arrived, and everyone was beginning to board. She glanced around at the other students who were getting on. The smaller ones who looked nervous were first-years; the older ones who looked excited to be boarding were returning students, ones who had already experienced Hogwarts. And she? She herself got on reluctantly: it was her last year.

 Tarja didn't go looking for any of her friends like she usually did. Today, she was looking for someone in particular.

 She slowly made her way towards the back of the train, towards the tall girl leaning against the door of one of the compartments.

 The girl nodded as Tarja approached. "Turunen."

 Tarja nodded back. "Jansen. We gonna be alone?"

 The other girl nodded. "Think so." She opened the compartment door as she looked around. "No one coming our way. Picked the one at the back just for us."

 Tarja walked into the compartment, the other girl following behind her. Once the door was closed, Tarja got up on her tiptoes and kissed her on the lips.

 "I missed you all summer, Floor," she said. "I wrote to you as much as I could. My parents always ask who I'm writing to, and I always have to say it's just a friend from school. Which isn't exactly true, because you're more than just a friend from school."

 "So are you," said Floor. They sat down on opposite sides, facing each other. "I'm not sure how my parents would feel about me dating a Slytherin. They're a little odd, really, in a good way, so maybe it wouldn't matter to them. How do you think you're parents would feel about you dating a Hufflepuff?"

 "That's just it," Tarja replied. "I know how they would feel: they wouldn't want me to. You haven't them, Floor. I know they love me and they want the best for me, but they're so strict."

 "Hmm." Floor nodded thoughtfully. "Well, this is our last year, you know. We're seventeen now. We're old enough to do magic outside of school, so I'd say we're pretty much adults. Once we've graduated, we'll definitely be considered adults."

 "Yeah. But what are you getting at?"

 "I mean that when we've graduated, whatever we're going to do after that, we should do it together. If we're adults, we can go out with whoever we want. Maybe if your parents see us together, see that we love each other, they'll understand. Until then, I guess we're in a forbidden romance."

 Tarja nodded. "I guess so."

 The two girls stared out the window, watching the countryside zip by as the train drove on towards their last year as students together. Neither one was sure what would happen after that, but they knew each one's plans for the future had to involve the other. It would feel wrong if they didn't.

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