Wanting To Be Here (Floorja)

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 A sequel to 'The Pregnant Predicament'


 "Okay, little one." Floor gently placed Naomi down in her crib. "Please stay asleep for a little while."

 Floor quietly closed the door to the nursery, and went across the hall to Tarja's room. The new mother was curled up on her bed, and looked very tired.

 "Is she asleep?" she asked.

 "For now, at least. I don't know when she'll be waking up again. You look like you need some sleep, too, Tarja. You've had a long week."

 And it had certainly been a long week. Tarja had gone into labor on Sunday afternoon, so Floor rushed her to the hospital, where baby Naomi was born very early on Monday morning after many panic-filled hours. It had been a few days now since they brought Naomi home, and neither of them had gotten much sleep.

 "I guess so." Tarja closed her eyes. "Thank you, Floor."

 Floor wasn't sure what in particular Tarja was thanking her for, but she nodded and said, "Of course."


 The next day, Floor helped Tarja put Naomi down for a morning nap. As soon as she was asleep in her crib, they hurried out of the room as quietly they could and down to the kitchen.

 "Are you sure you don't mind?" Tarja asked. "You know, you don't have to."

 "But I want to," said Floor. "I love Naomi. Seriously, she's adorable."

 Tarja sighed. "No, Floor. I mean you don't have to keep doing this."

 "Doing what?"

 "This. All of this. Everything you've done for me. The entire time I was pregnant, I was scared. I didn't know how to be a mother. And you've been there for me."

 "Then what is it?" Floor asked.

 "I can't keep asking all this of you, Floor. You've been wonderful, and I can't tell you how grateful I am that you've been there for me. But I can't ask you to do this anymore, and I can't expect it of you."

 "Tarja," Floor took her by the hand. "I've been here because I want to be here. I have never minded hanging around, and I don't mind helping with the baby now. Please, don't ask me to leave."

 Tarja looked away. "I think I've gotten too fond of you, Floor."

 Floor nodded. "I'm very fond of you, too. Maybe a little too fond." She gave Tarja a kiss on the cheek. "Just let stick around, please. For you and Naomi."

 Tarja smiled. "Okay. Yes, stay, please." She pulled the other woman into a hug. "Thank you. I love you, and you have to be the best ever."

 "Well, I don't know about the best ever," Floor said, hugging her back. "But I love you too, Tarja."

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