Midnight Flight (Tolissa)

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 Kamelot's schedule had been pretty hectic recently, and to make good time they were all going to have to fly overnight, something Tommy wasn't particularly excited about.

 As they flew, he shifted in his seat, glancing back and forth. All around him, the other passengers seemed perfectly at ease, as if they were used to flying at night all the time. How they were, he wasn't sure.

 He then glanced over at Alissa, whom he'd let have the window seat. She hadn't fallen asleep yet, like all of his bandmates apparently had. She was staring out the window, her head leaning against the wall.

 "I guess you can't sleep, either?" he asked her.

 "Not really," she answered. "You're nervous, aren't you?"

 Tommy scoffed. "You think I'm nervous? What do you think, I'm afraid of airplanes?"

 "Actually, that's exactly what it seems like."

 "Well, I'm not."

 "Oh. So, you're just afraid of flying at night, then."

 "No, I'm not," Tommy protested. "It does make me a little bit uneasy. Like, how well can the pilots really see at night? But I'm not scared."


 "You don't believe me?"

 "I didn't say that," Alissa said. "But it does sound like you're trying to convince yourself that we're not going to crash into the moon."

 "I do not think we're going to crash into the moon."

 "Mm-hmm. Sure you don't. Just come look at the view from here, will you?"

 Tommy leaned over to be able to see what she was looking at. "Alissa, it's dark. I can't even see anything."

 "It's not that dark," Alissa replied. "If you look close enough, you can see some stars. I can't see the moon from here, but it's out there. And the ocean's down below us; you just can't see it from here. You feeling any better?"

 "I don't know what you're talking about," Tommy said. "I told you I'm not scared. We'll probably be landing soon, and we'll be fine."

 She sighed. "If you say so. And you're welcome for putting you more at ease." 

 "You know, I should talk to the rest of the band about making you an official Kamelot member," Tommy said. "You'd be great."

 "I don't know. You'd probably get sick of me."

 "No, I wouldn't."

 "You might, though. We might get sick of each other."

 "What makes you think you'll get sick of me?"

 "Tommy, this entire conversation is making me wonder if I should have sat with someone else."

 Tommy sighed. "All right, I'll be quiet."

 The two grew quiet after that, glancing at each other and smiling a little. Neither one could really imagine getting sick of the other.

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