Stargazing (Janvik)

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 There was a clear sky that night, with no clouds in sight. It was the kind of night where you just want to stay outdoors and look up at the stars.

 There was a car parked in an empty field. A blanket was spread out on the grass, with two people laying on it side-by-side, staring up at the sky.

 "I bet I can pick out more constellations than you can," Floor challenged.

 "Well, I actually don't know too many," said Tommy, "So I might have to let you win that one."

 "Oh, come on, you must a few."

 "Well, that's the big dipper there. Um, that's Orion's belt, isn't it? And..."

 "That's it?"

 "I'm looking."

 Floor sighed. "All right. I'll point out any I find."

 They lay quietly together for a while, and would point any constellation they thought they could see.

 "See, this is fun, right?" Floor said after a while.

 "It's not exactly fun to be on the losing side," Tommy replied. "But with you, it actually feels fun."

 She smiled. "Well, you're welcome for suggesting this. I have some fun ideas, don't I?"

 "I guess so. I'm glad we came out here. It's nice, being somewhere quiet, just us. It feels a little too quiet, though, doesn't it?"

 "With you talking, it doesn't sound so quiet to me." Floor snuggled closer to him. "Just shut up, would you? Let's enjoy the peace and quiet while it's here."

 The two stopped talking and wrapped their arms around each other.

 "I am glad we're out here together," Tommy whispered. "I love you."

 "I love you, too," Floor whispered back.


 Floor and Tommy had both closed their eyes, and when the opened their eyes again, the sun was just beginning to rise.

 "Hey, I think it's morning," Tommy mumbled, opening his eyes and looking up at the sky.

 Floor sat up. "You mean we were out here all night? Everyone's gonna be looking for us!"

 "We'd better get going, then. You get the blanket, I'll start the car."

 Now that their starry night was over, Floor and Tommy hurried to drive away, preparing to be asked 'Where have you been?' multiple times.

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