The Trip Over

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-Jack's POV-

Cake. Cookies. And pie. In that order.

Mark suggested that when my mind started to wander back to her to try to think of other things that made me happy. Food was fairly simple to think about and understand, so it was a good place to begin.

I honestly couldn't remember one day that had not been painful to get through. YouTube and this trip seemed to be the only things keeping me from completely falling apart over the past month.

Pleasant thoughts, Sean. Just think about cake, cookies, and pie. In that order.

A loud and very bored voice came over the intercom system:

"Now boarding at Gate 23. Traveling to New York City, New York. USA."

The layover in New York would only be for a couple of hours. I wondered if I would have enough time to grab a couple of cheesy souvenirs from the gift shop. I walked quickly towards Gate 23. My hair, newly dyed back to a vivid green rippled in the wind as I moved. A few people turned to look at me as I zipped by. I caught one girl, about eleven or so, say quietly to an older teen that I looked like Jacksepticeye.

I stopped short, and turned back around. I had plenty of time to get to my plane, and besides I always liked to chat with viewers. When she saw me heading back over, the younger girl's blue eyes lit up in excitement. Her hands raised up to her mouth in shock, and she said "Oh my God. It IS you!"

She was small for her age, or maybe I had gotten her age wrong. Her reddish hair, tightly wound in curls, bounced as she slowly approached me. I bent down and raised my arms to give her a hug, and any nerves she had melted away and she leaned into my arms and chest, letting me wrap my arms around her.

"Top of the mornin' to ya! My name is Jack. It's truly nice to meet you."

She giggled softly, and her hug got tighter. Through the amber colored curls I heard a voice speak back. Quiet and full of tears, but each of the words clear and deliberate.

"Your videos are the reason why I'm not always sad that I don't have more friends at school. Thank you."


The plane was not very crowded. Mark had paid for a first class seat. Well, more that he insisted on a first class seat.

There were the usual flight announcements and before I fully connected what was happening, the plane began to take off. I guess that I was more lost in my thoughts than I realized.

I looked at my phone and put it into "airplane mode". Pausing, I scrolled through my contact list and looked at her name and phone number.

I pressed the delete button.

I felt tears on my face. I was glad the woman in the next seat to me was asleep.

My phone, almost like it understood what was happening, gave me a second chance to rethink.

Delete contact?  Are you sure?


Her face. Her smile. Her voice. They were all gone. Gone from me to witness them close up anymore. I put my phone in my travel bag in front of me.

I got to meet Hannah at the airport. She thanked me for being her friend. Cake and cookies. And pie. In that order.


New York was a blur and other than the slice of pizza I was able to eat on the way to Gate 65 I didn't get to experience much of it. Glad that I wore sneakers today, I hustled quickly to the next plane. I gave my ticket to a very sweet looking older lady at the counter along with my passport.

She smiled at me as she directed me inside the plane. This ride was going to be a lot more packed. I sat in first class again, and this time I didn't grumble under my breath about the extra money Mark spent on the ticket. I checked my twitter page and responded to a few posts, including one from Mark.

Meeting up with the Leprechaun today. Pics and videos up soon. #Septiplieraway


Since both of us were now single we had been enjoying the "Septiplier" ship more. It had been a bit taxing when we were both still in relationships. Plus hell, there were much less awesome people to be shipped with than Mark.

Plus much less handsome.

I blinked quickly.

Where did that thought come from?

I mean, yeah. Mark was handsome. I just never really recalled paying attention to it before now. His last video had him by his pool in a splash contest with Chica. His skin tanned and body toned. His red and black swimming trunks swaying as he walked barefoot on the cement.

Face looking directly at the camera as he spoke and his eyes, a little closed due to the sunlight just sparkled.

Wow. Yes, he really was something.


I jumped suddenly and accidentally hit the man sitting next to me with my elbow. He looked over at me, lowered the book that he had been reading,  and smiled.

"Those landing alerts always startle me too," he said kindly.

"Yeah. I must have dozed off. Sorry about bumping you like that."

"No need to apologize. From Ireland are you?"

I nodded my head. "Visiting some friends."

"Well I hope that you enjoy yourself," he said with a small wink. Then he shuffled in his seat and went back to reading his book.

I nodded politely and watched California get closer and closer.

I get to see Mark soon. I got to meet Hannah at the airport. Cake and cookies. And pie. In that order.

His Bright Eyes (Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now