The Birthday Party

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-Jack's POV-

We both just looked at them sadly.

"You can always make more," he said, looking back at me.

I sighed. "I know but..."

"Bright Eyes, they're just cookies."

I glared at him with feigned outrage. "Just cookies?"
I grabbed the metal cooking plate off of the stove top and dumped the burnt cookies in the trash. "Your sexual thirst destroyed a delicious dessert Monster!"

He groaned at the bad joke.

"Really babe?" He asked, shaking his head at me. "That's the insult you came up with?"

I chuckled slightly myself. "Leave me alone. I'm in mourning over my poor cookies."

"You have plenty of other sweets for the party guests, and it wasn't me that forgot that there were cookies in the oven when we were banging on the -"

"Ok, ok," I said throwing my hands up and laughing. "You have a point."

I moved over and adjusted his birthday boy shirt, and sighed happily.

"It looks so nice on you," I said with a wink.

He rolled his eyes. "You're really going to make me wear this all night, aren't you?"

I nodded as I handed him a bowl of potato chips.  "Here, make yourself useful and put on the dining room table by the other snacks."

"Excuse me," he said, pointing at printed picture of his face on his shirt, "but I thought that the "birthday boy" wasn't required to do any work tonight."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm asking you to put a bowl of food on the table, not build a log cabin."

He groaned dramatically and I smacked his bottom as he left the kitchen with the bowl in hand.

The doorbell rang as I opened the freezer to pull out the bags of ice.

"I'll get it!" he called out.

-Mark's POV-

I opened the door to see Katherine. She smiled
sweetly and gave me a small gift bag.

"Hey," I said, looking surprised. "What's this? I had said no gifts!"

"You know that wasn't going to happen, Mark," she said giving me a hug. "Happy birthday." She glanced at my shirt and laughed. "That shirt is amazing."

I blushed. "Thanks," I said. "Blame the fiancé."

Her eyes widened in amazement. "What did you say?"

I grinned and pulled out the necklace from under my shirt.

"Wow!" She screamed happily. "Congratulations! Where's Jack?"

"He's still cooking who knows what in the kitchen." I said happily. "We already have enough food and drinks for an army."

She raced into the kitchen and after a moment she cooed loudly. I assumed that Jack had showed her his wedding band. She came back out carrying another bowl of food.

"I volunteered to help finish up," she said. "Jack says you're off of helper duty, but that you may want to go upstairs and fix your 'sex hair'. He said that you would know what that meant."

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