The Uneasy Conference

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-Jack's POV-

I checked my phone again, and then looked around.

Where the hell was he?

The address he gave me better have been correct, or the next time I saw Mike I probably would punch him square in the face.

I groaned, and pulled out my phone and texted him.

Me: Where are you? We have less than 10 minutes before this meeting!

I checked the time again. Eight minutes before the meeting, and I still wasn't even sure that I was in the right place.

I pulled on the sleeves of my jacket, making sure that I looked as presentable as possible. My dress shoes still pinching my feet. Luckily I had been able to go out last night to grab a suitable suit and tie for the meeting. Mark was an asset for knowing the best places to go in LA to buy formal clothing on a moment's notice.

"Jack!" I heard a voice from behind, "over here!"

I turned my head to see Mike, red faced and half running towards me. He wiped his sweaty brow with a handkerchief in his suit pocket, and then tucked it back away.

"You clean up well," he said looking at my outfit.

"You seem surprised," I said grumpily.

"A bit, yeah," he retorted. He pointed towards the large white building just to the right of where we stood. "This is their office. Just try to follow my lead, and Jack, remember -"

"Yes, yes I know," I groaned, having been texted the same rules over and over again over the past day. "No joking, no hugging and absolutely no cursing."

Mike nodded, and started heading towards the right, and I followed behind.

We went through a large set of glass doors to a huge common area with a plush seats and a giant water fountain. Mike obviously had been here before because he easily maneuvered around doorways and after getting on the elevator and pushing for the tenth floor, we continued down a long hall to a set of doors with the letters ST written in curly script. He pushed the call button and we waited.

"Yes, may I help you?" said a smooth female voice through the speaker.

"Micheal Rogan and Sean McLoughlin to see Theodore Spencer please?" Mike said through the speaker.

The door buzzed open and we walked in. The office inside was gorgeous with red and gold furniture. A curvy blonde woman greeted us warmly, and I could tell by her voice that it was the same woman on the speaker. She offered us drinks while we waited, which we both declined. Smiling gently, she asked us to please take a seat, and she went over to her large desk to tell Mr. Spencer that we were waiting.

We both sat down on a long red couch, and I took a moment to make sure my hair was behaving while Mike nervously checked his phone.

"Mr. Spencer will see you now," said the young woman, and walking us over, she opened up a large door and we both went in.

This new room was also massive, and was also red and gold themed, and in the back part of the room stood an incredibly tall man in a dark blue suit and shiny black shoes. His eyes were almost unnaturally bright blue and his long nose and narrow lips made him look more intimidating than I thought possible. He took a few steps towards us, and motioned a large hand towards two chairs in front of his desk.

It seemed to take an almost comedic amount of time to reach his desk, with the room being so large. Mike even took out his handkerchief again during our walk over to wipe his sweaty brow again.

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