The Breaking Point

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-Jack's POV-

"The last two video edits were sent back to you about ten minutes ago, but I'm still not sure where you want that Cuphead screenshot to go."

"Uh huh," I said, checking Twitter on my phone.

"So then, my head caught on fire and I went running naked down the street, screaming like a nutter."

"Yeah," I said, still looking down at my phone.

"Sean, you aren't listening to me at all are you?"

My eyes snapped up to see Robin, frowning back at me through Skype.

"I'm sorry, man," placing the phone back on the desk. "That was really rude of me."

I sat up straighter and tried to look more involved, but Robin's light blue eyes were now scanning me, in the way that they always did before asking me if I was doing all right.

"I know that look," I said quickly, "I'm fine. Just a bit distracted."

"Which is why I'm worried," he said. "You never get distracted when it comes to your videos. What's wrong?"

I looked at him, hesitating in my response.

"I'm not just your editor, Sean. I'm also your friend. I may be able to help."

"I think that I really need some advice." I said finally. "About Mark."

He sat up a bit more in his chair, looking surprised.

"About Mark? I thought that you both were having a great time."

I lowered my gaze to the look at my knees, trying to find the best words to explain.

"We are, but a few nights ago he said he needed to talk to me about something and since then things have been, well, awkward."

Glancing back up to the camera, Robin seemed to be reflecting on what I had said.

"Do you think that what he needs to talk to you about will upset you?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know. I've given him space, but I feel like he is being so distant even with that. I want to be there for him, but I don't know how if he won't let me in."

Robin nodded his head slowly, his eyes looking into mine.

"I just...really care about him," I said with a sigh, the words feeling slightly raw in my throat.

He adjusted in his seat and leaned forward, causing me to watch him more intently.

"You need to tell him how you feel," he said with more directness than I ever had heard from him before.

My mind stopped cold, not understanding his last comment.

"I don't get what you -"

He laughed weakly, shaking his head.

"It's been obvious to anyone who knows you at all that you love him, Sean."

"Well, yes of course I love —"

He raised up a hand to silence me, and wiping the mild grin from his face, spoke again.

"No, not as just a friend. You love him. Are in love with him, and you need to tell him how you feel."

My stomach churned at those words, as though they were trying to digest them as quickly as possible.

"You know that it's true," he said, his face softening. "There's nothing wrong with it. I think that it's grand, actually."

Tears were gathering in the corners of my eyes, and Robin began to float in and out of focus.

"I can't say that I understand everything that happened between you and Signe, or when I first noticed your feelings towards Mark," he continued, "but I do know that he makes you happy."

I blinked and the tears began to finally fall, and I only mildly was aware that my body was shaking.

"But what if he doesn't love me back," I asked, raising a hand to wipe my face.

"I'm sure those thoughts are terrifying, Sean, but so is doing nothing at all."

I was completely at my breaking point, and any defenses I had long disappeared.  I took deep breaths and trying to keep my voice steady, looked back at Robin again.

He was still sitting there, watching me sadly.

"You're right," I chocked out finally. "I need closure, either way. Thank you."

"Call me if you need to talk again. Please?"

I nodded weakly, and closed the Skype call. I felt my body curl up in the chair, and still sobbing, began to rock back and forth.

What was I going to say? What if he hates me afterwards?

I love Mark. He took me to Disneyland. I got to meet Hannah. Cake and cookies. And pie. In that order.

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