The Furry Hero

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-Jack's POV-

We stood outside of the hospital, waiting for the taxi to arrive. He was freshly showered and talking on the phone to his mother, telling her for the tenth time, it seemed, that there was no need for her to fly out to LA to see him.

"I was just discharged," he said, his voice soft and calming, "Yes, I promise that I will call you once I get settled back at home. Yes ma'am."

He hung up the phone, sighed, and then turned to look over at me.

"You have been staring at me since we left the receptionist desk," he said with a slight smirk. "If I have something weird in my hair or on my face, you should probably tell me."

"Just the opposite," I said, giving him a hug. "You have been laying in a bed, wired up to machines and eating hospital meals for five days. How in the world do you you still look as handsome as you do?"

He looked quite startled at the compliment, and blushing ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Blame good genetics, or the ability to thrive on really bad tasting foods."

"Probably a bit of both," I said as I leaned in for a kiss. "Chica misses you like crazy, so be warned."

"Thanks for the heads up," he said, giving me Eskimo kisses. "I owe that pup a big thank you too for barking when I fell in the pool. She's a big furry hero for sure."

The cab pulled up, and getting in we headed back home.


-Mark's POV-

"Chica! How's my pup -"


"I told you that she missed you," Jack said, not really trying to hold his laughter as Chica hit me with the force of a fuzzy gold semi truck.

"I really thought that I was ready this time," I said as I got off of the ground. "You're going to put your daddy back in the hospital, puppy."

Chica seemed like this was only a passing concern as she bounced around happily, her tail nothing but a yellow blur as it wagged back and forth so hard that even her butt was swaying to the right and left as well.

Jack giggles echoed through the house as he pointed. "Look, Mark! Chica learned how to salsa dance while you were away."

Laughing loudly, I bowed down gracefully to her. "Well, a lovely lady should never have to dance alone. May I?"

I reached out my hand to her, and Chica, assuming I was asking for a handshake, placed her giant padded paw in my opened palm. Then taking hold of her other paw I stood up slowly and started walking back on forth her as she stood steadily on her hind legs.

Jack placed his hands on his cheeks and cooed loudly.

Chica and I danced for a few moments as I hummed a made up song and she panted happily, every so often catching my face with a wet kiss.

She wiggled out of my hands and ran over to Jack to pounce on him, and I feigned rejection.

"Just like a typical blonde bombshell," I said, wiping away imaginary tears, "you fall in love with them, and then they leave you for the next handsome guy they see."

Jack, who by now was snuggling Chica on the floor, smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? It's the accent that gets them every time."

"I agree," I said, walking over to sit down on the floor with them both. "The accent is incredibly sexy."

I gave him a kiss on the forehead, and then both of us have Chica a belly rub. She barked happily from all of the attention, her huge brown eyes looking from Jack to me.

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