The Movie Date

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-Jack's POV-

My poor fucking head.

The sun was too bright, and it felt like my head was being pushed from all sides. This was hell. I was in hell. I rolled over, and realized that I was the only one in the bed.

Brilliant. I'm in hell, and I'm all by myself.

I pulled the covers over my head, remembering last night. I had been so stupid to drink so much, and then literally throw myself at him. Yet he refused to sleep with me. To not take advantage of me. My temples twinged angrily at me trying to process...his ability to be so accepting of my flaws.


"Sounds like someone's finally stirring," came a deep voice from somewhere outside of the dark and warm place underneath the bedsheets.

I felt the right side of the bed rock slightly. He must have sat down. Maybe if I just stayed perfectly still he wouldn't realize that --

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty," I heard, "I know you're awake."

Damn it.

"It's after 11am," he said with a sigh, "You need to get up and face the hangover at some point. I made some food to help."

"Jack's not here right now," I grumbled, still under the blankets, "Please leave a message at the sound of the beep. He will return your call. Beep."

"Hi, this is Mark. Jack's boyfriend," he said, "First, please ask Jack why does still have an answering machine? It's the 21st century. "

I chuckled at this, despite my wanting to stay as grumpy as possible.

"Also, let Jack know that if he doesn't stop acting like an Irish ogre and get out of bed, I will be forced to make him listen to me playing my trumpet until he does finally get up. I haven't played my trumpet since high school, by the way."

I groaned loudly, and slowly peeked my face from under the covers.

"That was a mean threat," I said, glaring at him.

"And a very good morning to you, Mr. Grinch," he said cheerfully, and handed me a plate full of fried eggs and sausage. "This should help out the hangover, and you have a cup of black coffee on the side table. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and gave me a wink.

"If you loved me, you'd tell the sun to "fuck off" for the next two days," I said, beginning to eat.

"I'll get right on that," he said, still smiling, "Me and the sun, we're like this," crossing his index and middle fingers together.

I smiled, in spite of my mood.

"There's the smile that I melt for," he said, leaning in for a kiss on the lips. "So, other than burying the life giving sun —"

"For only two days," I mumbled, mouth full of eggs.

He shook his head, laughing softly. "Was there anything else you would like?"

I placed the plate off to the side, and motioned for him to come closer to me. He smiled and climbed over and laid me down gently, hovering above me. His hair and beard, dark and shining. His brown eyes, twinkling like starlight behind his glasses.

I raised my hand up to rub his chiseled chin with my fingertips. His face was so perfect.

"Well? Did you need something?"

"Just admiring the view, Bright Eyes," I said, "It's quite breathtaking."

He leaned down and gave me a deep kiss, our lips and tongues becoming one for a moment.

"You taste wonderful," I said, my head starting to  feel less achy, and my heart beating fast.

"You taste like breakfast," he said.

We both laughed and he leaned in for another taste.


-Mark POV-

The kitchen was still full of the smell of hangover cures, and I was humming that same tune from last night. The name and most of the words still escaping me. I felt a slender set of arms reach around me from behind as I was washing the dishes.

"Hey, there Bright Eyes," I said, leaning my head back to see Jack's face looking much less sleepy and pale. I dried my hands on the towel and turned around to face him. "You look a lot better."

He was wearing a white t shirt and his flamingo shorts. His bed headed puff of bright green locks fluttering in the slight breeze.

"Feel a lot better too," he said, nuzzling against my neck and chin, "Sorry I was so grumpy earlier."

"Then is it safe to cancel the sun destruction?"

He narrowed his blue eyes at me. "For now, yes."

"Well, that's all the plans I had for the rest of the afternoon." I said, rubbing his back as we stood there. "Since that's no longer needed, would you like to do something together today?"

"Actually, yes. How about we go to the movies?" He asked, his face breaking into a large smile. "I just need to finish up my last video, and we can head out?"

"That sounds fine by me," I said, "What do you want to see?"

"Oh I don't care" he replied, "As long as I'm with you."

I rolled my eyes and gave him Eskimo kisses. "We are so becoming that lovey dovey couple who no one invites anywhere. Movies included."

"Then that's just more popcorn for us," he said, running his fingers through my hair.

I leaned in for another kiss, and placed my hands onto the rear of his shorts, cupping his curvy bottom in my palms.

"Grabby hands today, are we?" he asked, giggling.

"Your ass in those flamingo shorts equals incredibly hot," I said, looking him up and down.

He bit his bottom lip at and then leaned in close. "Why do you think I wore them?" he purred into my ear.

And there went my ability to think about anything other than that sexiness for at least the next hour.


"Jack, babe, my poor arm," I said breathlessly as I was pulled by the hand towards the movie theater, "You're as bad as Chica."

"Then move your arse," he said quickly, "We're gonna miss the previews if we don't hurry!"

Luckily for me there was barely any other movie goers there, and he got in and out of the line very fast. I went ahead to stand in line for snacks and drinks. He zipped along to grab our seats while I got drinks, candy and a large bucket of popcorn. I reach the screening room just as the previews had started.

He waved at me as I tottered into the theater with all the food, him looking great in his changed clothing of a blue hoodie and light blue jeans. His black glasses placed so his baby blue eyes looked like framed pieces of art. He smiled approvingly at the food and took a giant swing of his soda as the previews played. There was only us in this screening along with a few other couples, all scattered around and chatting quietly through the previews.

The lights went down once the main feature started, and he took my hand in his and held it tight. The few other people in the theater with us went silent. I lifted our interlacing fingers and kissed his hand softly. He smiled at me, his lovely pale skin glowing in the flickering light.

"I love you, Bright Eyes," he mouthed to me, and rested his head on my shoulder.

I realized, half laughing,  that I had no idea what movie he had bought tickets for us to watch. Honestly, though, it didn't matter. The one thing that mattered was sitting by my side, laughing loudly at the jokes, and munching happily on a ridiculous amount of popcorn all the rest of the time.

My Bright Eyes. My love.

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