The Pillow Talk

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-Mark's POV-

My brain was physically hurting from trying to understand the random letters and numbers on my phone screen in response to my original text.

Me: Jack and I will be at the airport around 3:30pm tomorrow. Any idea if you would be able to pick us up?

Wade: AAMOF, shd B FWM. Just give the 411 on the FL#. TTYL.

What in the hell is this supposed to mean? Did he break his phone? Was he having a stroke?

"You've been staring at your phone for the past five minutes," Jack said, sitting on the couch. "Either Wade sent you a really confusing text message, or very interesting porn."

"If this is porn," I said, looking over back over to him, "Then I have been finding the wrong things attractive for an incredibly long time."

He reached out his hand, and I gave him the phone.

"Oh," he said after a moment. "He said that he's fine to pick us up. He just needs the information about the flight and the flight number, and he will talk to you later."

"How in the world did you decrypt that?" I said, amazed at him, "Are you part computer program, or something?"

He laughed, handing me back the phone. "No, just know a few people who use text slang."

I sighed heavily, and texted back the flight information.

"Everyone is really excited to see us," I said as I headed over to the couch to sit down next to him, "It's been a while since I've been back to Ohio."

Jack smiled and snuggled up next to me, putting his head on my shoulder, and holding my hand. "Hopefully things go as well with everyone in Ohio as it did with Tyler and Ethan."

"I think that it will," I said, kissing his forehead. "My mom is the only one I'm a little worried about."

"I know some Korean," he said brightly, "Do you think me speaking a few phrases would be nice to thing to do?"

"Hmm," I said, smiling at him, "That's a really good idea. She would probably love that, Bright Eyes."

He leaned in for a kiss, and we stretched out on the couch together. His head on my chest, and my fingers rubbing his back.

"That feels so nice," he said, closing his eyes and hugging me tightly. "So, did you want to do anything tonight?"

"I am fine with us just doing this," I said, lifting up his chin to my face for another kiss. "Unless you want to do something else."

He shook his head slowly, and laid his head back on my chest. I began rubbing his back again, and he yawned.

"You know," I said, after some time had passed, "After Ohio, when you head back out of the States, I was thinking about taking some time off and flying out there to visit you in England. Plus then, I can be there to support you when you tell your family in Ireland about us the same way you have been here for me. Is that something that we could do?"

I heard a soft snore. He was fast asleep, and hadn't heard a word that I had said. I sighed, and wrapped my arms around him. I'll ask him again in the morning, when we were heading out to the airport.

Part of me wanted to wake him up, but he looked so peaceful. Then again, sleeping on this couch wasn't the place to get the best rest. I slowly sat up, with him sleepily shifting to my lap. His eyes opened slightly.

"Where are we going?" he said, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I'm carrying you to bed, " I said, kissing his lips.

"Ok," he said, nuzzling his face into my neck as I stood up, holding him in my arms.

"The badger is in the coffee can, if you want a drink later," he mumbled. Then he was snoring again.

That must be quite a dream he's having.

I walked up the stairs slowly, him holding onto me tightly as he swayed back and forth with my footsteps. I placed him on the bed, and groaning slightly, he let go of me and laid down onto the fluffy bedsheets. His face, so soft and beautiful, on the thick pillow. His eyes opened once more to look at me in a fuzzy blue haze.

"You coming to bed too?" he asked as I straightened up and stretched my back. "Yes, in a moment. I'm just making sure the alarm is set."

"Are we getting off the plane soon?" he said, voice deep with sleep, "I want to take pictures once we're off of the plane."

"We aren't on the plane, Bright Eyes," I said, chuckling as I set the alarm, "You're dreaming. Go back to sleep." He smiled in my general direction, and closed his eyes again.

I crawled in bed behind him and wrapped him up in my arms.

"I love you more than cookies, Mark," he mumbled.

I kissed his neck, and hugged him tight. "That's nice to know," I said, and fell asleep to the sound of his gentle snores.

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