The Warm Place 🍋

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(A/N sexually explicit material is in part of this chapter)

-Jack's POV-

Mark loves me. I love Mark. Cookies and cake. And Pie. In that order.

I feel a warm hand on my cheek, and opened my eyes. Mark's smiling face appears in front of me. He looks so handsome, hair combed and dark brown eyes sparkling. I was sure that I was still asleep. I must be. Only people in dreams look that perfect.

"Good morning, Bright Eyes," his voice deep and rich, filling my ears and heart with happiness.

"If this is a dream, I need about five more minutes," I said, yawning deeply and taking hold of his hand in mine.

He chuckled softly, and gently interlocked our fingers. "Take as much time as you need," he said, "But please don't get out of bed without letting me help you."

I looked at him, somewhat confused.

"Last night was amazing," he continued, "But it was your first time, and well, you may be a bit sore the morning after. I want to take care of you, so when you are ready to get up, just let me know, ok?"

He leaned over and kissed me deeply, letting go of my hand and walking over to the small desk in the bedroom. His laptop already set up, and he began to work.

I drifted back off to sleep to the quiet "tap tap tap" sounds of his keyboard.


"Ow!" I yelled, as I woke up again with a jolt of pain. It felt like my lower back and ass were on fire.

I heard him hurrying over from the desk, and looking over me concerned.

I groaned, and flipped over on my stomach, the cool air on my naked rear helping a small amount. I felt his hands rubbing my shoulder blades, the small of my back, and the curves of my butt cheeks.

"It'll be ok," he said soothingly, "Just try to not move too much. I'll be right back."

I heard him walk away and then water running in the bathroom. I laid facedown on the bed and groaned again.

"Last night we were both understandably, umm, distracted," he said, as began to rub my back. "You don't really feel the full after effects until the next day."

"I guess that's one of the new occupational hazards of being a 'bottom', huh?" I said dryly.

He coughed, and cleared his throat. "Well, for some, yes I guess it can be."

After a few more minutes of rubbing my back, he then massaged my thighs. His hands felt wonderful, and the pain was already starting to lessen.

"When you can, turn over onto your back," he said, heading back to the bathroom. I heard the water turn off, and smelled vanilla all of the sudden.

"What are you doing in there?" I asked, gingerly rolling back onto my back, and sitting up.

"Running you a hot bath," he said, his voice echoing in the bathroom. "It will help your muscles relax."

I felt my face getting redder. "You don't have to do all of -"

"I love you," he said, walking back out of the bathroom and to the bed, "and if we want to have more nights like last night -"

"I do," I said quickly, "I want as many nights, mornings, and afternoons as..."

I stopped speaking, suddenly aware that I was practically telling him to fuck me as much as he possibly could. I placed my hands in front of my face, blushing madly.

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