The Tightened Bond

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-Jack's POV-

Our fingers were still interlocked as the ambulance made it's way to the hospital, and I watched Mark place our hands close to his heart. The oxygen mask covered so much of his face, but I could still see his eyes. He kept looking up at me, his honey colored eyes meeting mine, and almost silently saying "I love you" over and over again. "I love you too," I whispered back, and he raised my hand to his cheek and inhaled deeply.

"May I have your full name, sir?" asked the dark haired EMT.

I turned to look at him, feeling bad about having to leave Mark's gaze, even for a moment.

"Sean William McLoughlin," I said clearly, but most people call me Jack."

"Nice to meet you Jack," he said kindly, "My name is Ben. What's Mark's full name?"

"Mark Edward Fischbach."

"What relation is Mark to you? Your husband?"

I chuckled lightly, looking back at Mark, who had his eyes closed now, my hand still on his cheek.

"No," I said softly, "but maybe one day. I'm just his boyfriend for now."

Ben typed some information on a small device, and then continued. "Could you tell me what happened today?"

I shrugged. "I don't know how he ended up in the pool, but I heard his dog Chica barking like crazy, and I ran outside. She never barks like that and she was racing around the pool, and when I looked closer I saw Mark sinking. I jumped in and got him out. Then I did CPR until you all arrived."

"It's lucky that you were there for him," Ben said, typing more notes into his machine. "You saved your boyfriend's life today."

I felt Mark squeeze my hand again, looking up at me with watery eyes. "He would have done the same for me," I said softly, and saw him nod his head.


"Are you having some trouble with the paperwork?" the nurse asked, as I looked over the large pile that I was given while Mark was being admitted.

"Yes, I am," I said sadly. "There's a lot of information that is being asked that I just don't know. We've only been dating a few months."

She took the paperwork back from me.

"I'm sure that once Mr. Fischbach is fully admitted we can have him fill this out." she said gently.

I smiled and thanked her, and reached for my phone to see if I got any new text messages. Mark's phone was destroyed in the pool, so I had no idea of how to call many of his contacts to let them know where he was. I had been able to get a hold of Tyler and Ethan, so they were reaching out to others like his mom, brother, Bob and Wade.

"Sean McLoughlin?" said a voice.

I looked up and saw a older man on a white coat looking around for me.

"Yes, that's me," I said, getting up out of the waiting chair.

The older man smiled, his dark brown eyes kind and friendly. "My name is Dr. Kingsley.  You're Mark's boyfriend, right?"

I nodded nervously as he pointed me into the back area and we began to talk.

"Is it ok if I call you Jack?" he asked. "Mark said you go by both names."

"Yes, of course."

"Mark is doing well," he said, "especially considering what happened."

I nodded.

"He has told me quite a lot about you," he said smiling, "He's very aware that he probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

I began to feel my face turning red.

"Where did you learn CPR?" he asked suddenly. "You did an amazing job. Usually people who are not trained EMTs end up breaking ribs, or cause severe bruising during chest compressions.

"I was in hotel management in college," I said, feeling even more sudden embarrassment at the compliment. "I had to take a few courses on medical training."

"It was very impressive," he said, leading me to a room to the left, and closing the door.

He handed me some documents. "These are his vitals for you to look over, along with his medical history."

"I'm sorry," I said, sitting down, "but shouldn't this be given to his mother, or brother, or whoever he has listed as his caregiver?"

"He listed you as his medical caregiver," Dr. Kingsley said, slightly surprised. "You didn't know that?"

"No," I said, startled. "Me? He wants me to make medical decisions for him?"

"Yes," he said simply. "He was very sure about that, but if you don't feel comfortable with doing it, I can discuss other options with him."

"No," I said, looking at the paperwork again. "I'm fine with it."

He nodded. "Mark said that he experienced severe chest pain right before he fell into the pool. Due to him saying that and his past history with his heart, we will be keeping him here in the hospital for at least a few days running tests and monitoring him."

He sighed, and continued. "I also highly suggest that after he is out of here that he seek mental therapy. Many people who deal with near death situations have a hard time adjusting back afterwards. You're here on a passport, correct?"

"Yes, I was going to be here for a couple of weeks."

"Would you be opened to staying longer?" he asked. "I am able to write up something for the proper people dealing with your passport. Mark is incredibly connected with you, and since you are listed as his caretaker, it is essential that you are able to be with him while he is in the first part of his recovery."

"Yes, of course I'll stay. I'll stay as long as he needs me to stay."

"Wonderful," he said smiling at me. "He should be out of his first round of testing by now, so I'll take you to him. Just please be aware that he is hooked up to a heart monitor machine, so try to help keep him calm."

I smiled and nodded, and we headed out of the room and back down the hall.  I followed closely behind Dr. Kingsley as we walked, looking off to the sides every so often at hospital rooms. Most of them were filled with single patients. Some of them had chatty visitors, and others looking bored and flipping through channels on their mounted television sets.

He stopped at a room bathed with natural light, and turned to me before we entered. "Just try to stay as positive as you can. It's amazing what just some encouragement from people you love can do to speed up recovery."

He opened the door for me, and I walked inside.

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