The Kind Gesture

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-Jack's POV-

I am going to Disneyland with Mark. I got to meet Hannah. Cake. Cookies. And pie. In that order.


Need to make sure to take my glasses case with me. I don't want to forget it at the house.


I felt a warm hand softly rubbing my shoulder. The voice was deep and kind. Opening my eyes, I saw a TV tray standing close to the bed. On top of it, a plate piled up with a large stack of pancakes, two eggs and slices of bacon. It smelled amazing.

He made me...breakfast in bed?

I turned over from my left side to my back, and saw Mark, sitting on the side of the bed. His glasses were off, his hair still touseled from sleep, and smile as radiant as ever.

"I hope that you like your eggs sunny side up. If not I can scramble them and -"

I sat up quickly, and hugged him. So tight that he froze up a bit before his arms reached around my shoulders. My face pressed into the nape of his neck, and my nostrils inhaling the sandalwood scent of his cologne . Or, maybe it was aftershave. His right hand rubbed the middle of my back slowly, and I felt my face growing warm and then wetness around my eyes.

He pulled away and looked at me, slighly puzzled.

Mark: Wow. I hope those are happy tears.

Me: They are. I just really like --

I paused as Mark reached up and gently pushed a tear off of my cheek with his right thumb.

Mark: Eggs?

Me: Huh?

Mark: You just really like -- eggs?

I giggled, finally connecting the joke. His hand was still touching my face, and our gaze, still connected. His eyes, fully in view without his glasses on, I noticed the flecks of gold inside of the dark brown of his irises. We sat there for what seemed like ages just looking at each other. He looked away first, clearing his throat and lowering his hand to scratch the back of his neck.

"Well," he said, puffing out his chest out in fake pride, " I'd like to think that my eggs are pretty damn amazing.  You should probably get to eating before the food gets cold. Would you like orange juice or apple? We have both."

Me: Whichever one you are having. I'll take the same.

He smiled and stood up quickly. He was wearing black pajama pants and a bright red tank top. His socked feet padded on the hardwood floor softly as he left the guest bedroom and went downstairs. I turned to the tray of food, picked up the silverware and began to eat.

A few minutes later Mark came back in, holding two large glasses of orange juice. He placed one on the table. I tried my best to convey a "thank you" with my hands, my mouth full of too much delicious food to say anything properly.

He smiled warmly, and made a silly little bow as a "you're welcome" before sitting back down on the side of the bed. He took long sips of his juice and I steadily munched.

Everything tastes so good.

We chatted a bit about Disneyland. He had already gotten the tickets purchased and asked when I would like to leave.

Me: I was planning on just using my phone for the videos, so anytime is fine. Just need to shower, dress and brush my teeth.

I gulped down the last of my orange juice. Glancing down at the plate, now empty, I looked back at Mark.

Me: Thank you for this.

He smiled and turned slightly pink around his cheeks as he got up and grabbed the TV tray.

Mark put on a horrible French accent as he began to leave the room.

"Chef Iplier is always happy to cook feh you, Monsieur Jacques.  Vous, I like. Just please tell the zat Mark characteh zat he needs to pay me my wages for zee past month. Zee cheap bastard!"

I laughed out loud as he stomped out mock anger.

"Your battery is going to die before we even get there Jack, and please tell me that you are not zooming in on my nose."

I moved the zoom bar on my phone slightly away. "Maybe a little," I said with a chuckle.

"Well stop," he said glancing into my phone's camera as he drove, "The Fischbach nose is already big enough that a close up is far from necessary."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Fine, but you are messing with my artistic vision!"

"I'm sure the viewers will live through it," he said with a wink.

I adjusted my glasses and winked back at him. I turned the camera on myself and smiled.

"Top of the morning to you, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and I am heading toooo DISNEYLAND!"

Mark laughed in the background.

"Well, I didn't need those eardrums," he said.

Still looking at the camera I chuckled.

"You knew what you were getting into when you take an Irishman to Disneyland. Just be happy that I didn't bring my megaphone."

I pointed the camera at Mark for his reaction.

He shuttered.

"It's going to be a fun day, everybody," he said grinning, "But for the love of God, pray for my sanity!"

I turned off the video and smiled at him. Looking out the window I watched the world go by. I couldn't stop smiling even if I had wanted to do so. The sun was high in the sky already, and I held onto my phone, making sure to be ready to record anything interesting.

"We should be getting to the "Welcome to Disneyland" sign in a minute," he said. "I know that you are going to want to record that, right?"

He knows me too well.

What did I do deserve someone like him? Bringing me to LA. Talking to me whenever I needed someone. Taking me to Disney. He even made me breakfast in bed for fuck's sake.

"Jack, you are going to miss the "Welcome to Disneyland" sign," he said quickly.

"Oh, right!" I said snapping back to the present, and hitting record on my phone, just in time.

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