The Eventual Arrival

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-Mark's POV-

"Chica! Whoa. Hold on girl!"

So, this is how I die. My arm being pulled off by my dog and slowly bleeding to death on the sidewalk. Arm still attached to the leash and bouncing behind a Golden Retriever's happy run.

I doubt that she would even know what happened until she finally reached her favorite place. Her big brown eyes looking around wondering why Daddy only brought his right arm to the dog park with her. That's not where he kept the puppy treats.

Silly Daddy...

"Chica! Please heel! You have twice as many legs as me!"


She stopped suddenly and I collided right into her. Through the pain in my left knee I felt proud of her finally listening, until I realized that she only had stopped to glare at a squirrel in a tree in front of us.

Well, at least I still have two arms.

I patted her side and we started to walk again. The pace was much nicer this time. I checked my phone for an update on Jack's flight. The plane was set to be landing around 4:15pm. Plenty of time to still get Chica to the park and back, get showered and drive up to the airport to get Jack.

Skype and phone calls were nice, but actually being able to sit in the same room and talk was so much better. I was getting so concerned about him since his break up. His videos were still going up like clockwork, but you could see that his loud boisterous spirit had mellowed.

It was off putting. Like watching something beautiful wilt right in front of your eyes.

Chica paused and looked back. Sniffing the air she looked at the tree now far behind us.

I sighed and patted her head softly.

"Chica, that squirrel didn't do anything other than be a squirrel."

"Woof! Woof!"

"Apparently that's enough to start a war, huh girl?"

I tugged hard on the leash, and Chica reluctantly gave up. The squirrel had won.

For now.


The guest bedroom still needed work. It looked so empty. Just a bed, small dresser and an area rug. I should have bought a few more items. Jack was staying for at least a few weeks.

I ran my hands through my freshly washed hair and breathed out deeply. Well I guess that worse case we could go out shopping for some more furniture if needed.

Bright green and dark blue sheets covered the guest bed, and were still warm from the dryer. I sat down on top of them and sighed, looking at the ceiling fan as it whirled around and around. I still had a good couple of hours before Jack's plane would land.

Restless wasn't the right word for this feeling. Nervous? Anxious? Concerned? All of them at once? When I thought about Jack my heart would turn in odd ways. Like it was trying to get more comfortable in my chest.

I looked back at my phone. 2:18pm. Was time going backwards? I could have sworn that I took my shower at 2:45pm. Chica laid her head on the bed and nuzzled my hand, softly whimpering.

"Hey pup. Daddy is just losing his mind worrying about Jack. No big deal."


California could not look any more beautiful today. The sun was shining in the sky and everyone seemed to be outside enjoying the day. The drive to the airport was uneventful, but I kept finding myself looking around for something bad to happen on the way to pick up Jack.

The nerves that I felt back at the house decided to follow me, and their company was not wanted at all. I got to the parking garage in one piece and walked to the baggage claim area to wait. I was still over an hour early, but decided that if I was going to fret I might as well do it at the airport and not risk being late. In one hand I held my phone and in the other a handmade sign. I stretched and sat on a bench near the escalators and waited for him to finally land.


-Jack's POV-

Announcer: Welcome to LAX where the local time is 4:23pm. The weather is 88 degrees, sunny and slightly breezy. Thank you for flying with us.

My bags seemed heavier than when I first picked them up. I must be getting tired. I said goodbye to the man in the seat next to me, and headed out to the baggage claim. I turned on my phone and texted Mark.

Me: Finally here. Where are we meeting?

A text came back a few seconds later.

Mark: I'm at the baggage claim now. Look for the sign.

I blinked, puzzled.

The sign? What sign?

As I moved down the escalator to baggage claim my question was answered. There was Mark, standing at the bottom of the escalator with a sign above his head. The letters in large obnoxiously glittery yellow lettering:

Pot of gold located here!!

I shook my head and laughed as I walked over to him. He stood there, smiling at me with his perfect teeth. I didn't even wait for him to drop the sign. I just hugged him. I hugged him like I had not seen another person in years. I breathed in and could smell his shampoo blending in with his cologne. My eyes shut tight as I just stood there with him. I could feel him lower the sign, and felt the slight breeze as he let it flutter to the ground.

Then one arm around me. Then the other arm. Then his chin on the top of my head as he hugged me back. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words seemed worthy enough to say to overtake the feeling of being in his arms right now.

He lowered his head to my face. The words slow and musical as then reached my ears.

"Welcome back, Jack. I missed you so much."

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