The Hearts Apart

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-Jack's POV-

"Felix, seriously how many messages do I have to leave on your phone?", I asked, pacing the living room. "I'm leaving back for England tomorrow for fuck's sake."

I glanced down at my plane ticket again and continued.

"I know that you said that you wanted to pick me up and take me out for lunch, but I haven't heard back in over three days. Please call me if you're not able to get me so that I can make other plans on getting home."

I hung up the phone, and sitting on the couch groaned loudly in frustration.

"Sounds like you got his voicemail again," Mark said coming down the stairs.

I placed my head in my hands, and nodded.

Mark sighed, and sitting down beside me began to rub my back.

"I'm sure he'll give you a call before you leave LA," he said kindly, "Getting your blood pressure up over Felix being the way he always has been isn't
going to help anything at all, Bright Eyes."

"I know," I said, looking at Mark, "I'm just really stressed about flying back home, talking to my family, and not being able to spend time with you."

"Worse case you grab a cab or Uber if Felix ends up flaking out." He smiled at me, and took my hand in his. "As far as me, I'll be knocking on your door and pestering you for snuggles before you know it."

I chuckled sourly. "I noticed that you didn't say anything hopeful about me talking to my family."

He sighed and leaned over, giving me a kiss on the cheek, "A really insightful man once told me that as long as we believe in, and have one another, that everything will be ok."

I smiled, my cheeks slightly pink. "Sounds like this guy is a real sucker for sentimentality."

He laughed and touched his forehead to mine. "Yes, I guess he is," he said softly. "That's one of the reasons I love him so much."

I hear my texting alert go off on my phone, and Mark picked it up off the coffee table. He looked at the message on the screen, and smirking, handed me the phone.

Felix: I got you covered at the airport, bro. You leave messages like a crazy ex girlfriend. Save that stuff for Mark. See ya soon.


"Please call me as soon as you land," he said, "No matter the time, ok?"

I nodded slowly, trying to keep my eyes from tearing up. He lifted up my chin and our lips met. Our mouths exploring the other's before we parted. His hands touched the back of my neck, and the kissed deepened.

The sounds of the people around us became nothing more than muffled white noise. I felt him start to pull away at least twice, to say something else, or just maybe to breathe, but I leaned forward, and our embrace continued.

Finally I felt a sharp slice of cold air come in between us, and our faces separated. Our lungs full of the other one's scent.

It's only two weeks.

Those four words were the only glue keeping our hearts together. The four words that I would repeat each night. When I ate breakfast alone, or when I would lie awake in bed wishing that my arms would get used to not being held by his warm embrace.

He started to reach down to hand me my carry on bag, but I took hold of his arm, and he stopped.

"Please," I said, losing the war with the stinging from  my eyes, "Just a few moments longer."

He nodded, and we were kissing again. This time full of so much desperation for more. I could feel the intake of his breath and knew that he was crying too. That he needed this last dance of our lips as much as I did.

Maybe even more than me.

It's only two weeks.

I pulled away this time, grabbing my bag off the ground and hugging him tight. "I love you," I said, tears finally falling, "I love you so much, Bright Eyes."

He looked into my eyes, tear stains fresh on his cheeks. "I love you too, Bright Eyes. Please be safe, and remember to call me."

I gave him a final peck on the cheek, and walked away. I didn't want to look back again. It would be too much for my heart to take, but almost in spite of myself, I glanced over my shoulder.

But he was already gone. Lost to the surrounding crowd.

It's only two weeks without him. Mark loves me. I love Mark. Cake and cookies. And pie. In that order.

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