The Flight Back

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-Jack's POV-

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answered the phone groggily, trying my best to wiggle out of the death bear hug Mark had me in. His face looked so peaceful as he drooled a bit on his pillow.

"Hey," came Robin's voice, somewhat concerned. "Were you two still asleep?"

My felt my heart jolt forward, and looking at the clock saw that it was 5:00am, which was the time we gave Robin to drive us to the airport. We had overslept.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"I should take that as a "yes" then?" asked Robin with a slight sigh.

"Sorry! We'll be out as soon as possible." I hung up the phone and shook Mark's shoulder until his eyes opened.

"Mark, get up!" I said loudly as I got out of the bed. "We slept through the alarm!"

He groaned, and sitting up quickly rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. "How late are we?" he asked, his voice incredibly deep and sexy due to sleep.

Damn...Hold on, keep your mind on getting to the airport.

"It's 5:00am now," I said, pulling off my pajama bottoms and grabbing the first clean jeans and shirt that my fingers could reach.

"Shit!" Mark grumbled as he got up as well, his hair a giant tangle of bedhead. He put on some deodorant and threw on a black t shirt, dark red pants and dove towards the ground looking for his shoes.

Luckily for us I had already packed most of our things last night, so after getting clothes on and pulling a blue beanie on my messy head, we grabbed our suitcases and passports and headed out to meet up with Robin.

"Not bad on time," he said as we approached his car. "You're only 15 minutes late."

We both got in the car, myself in the front seat while Mark stretched out in the back, and headed to the airport.

Robin made excellent time, especially considering he had to deal with me nervously chatting beside him and the heavy snores of Mark, who had almost instantly fallen back asleep, behind his chair.

He knew all of the short cuts, and maneuvered around much less hurried drivers without any real concern that we would miss our plane. I thanked him so many times to taking us to the airport that he finally asked me to please stop, either out of exasperation or embarrassment.

With a last final turn we were at arrivals, and with a quick call of Mark's name he jerked up suddenly, still blurry eyed from his car nap, but definitely moving out of the back seat and ready to grab our suitcases.

With a last wave to Robin we hurried over to the arrivals line, our tickets in hand. Mark yawned loudly, his glasses off and now realizing how crazy his hair still looked as he glanced at his reflection on one of the sliding entrance doors.

I giggled and pulled out a spare dark red beanie from my carry on bag, which he took with a very relieved smile.

-Mark's POV-

"Would you like coffee or juice?" asked the fight attendant, her voice barely a whisper.

"Juice is fine for me," I replied back.

She looked over at Jack, who was fast asleep and had his head resting on my shoulder, snoring softly.

"Do you know what he would like for later when he's awake?" she asked kindly, "Breakfast will be served in about two hours."

"Yes," I said, smiling over at him. "We'll both take the pancakes and sausage. He'll want black coffee. No cream or sugar needed."

She handed me my juice  and I placed it on my tray. She then reached up to an overhead compartment and handed me a couple of pillows.

'Just let me know if either of you need anything else."

I thanked her, and placed one of the pillows on the head of Jack's chair. I rubbed his shoulder softly, and his blue eyes opened for a moment or two, and then closed again. I gently lifted his head off of my shoulder and moved him to his chair, his head falling very softly onto the plump pillow that the flight attendant gave us.

"I love you, Mark," he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

I leaned over and kissed his shining pink lips, and ran my fingers through his hair. He sighed happily, and began to softly snore again. 

I put the other pillow behind my head, and placing headphones in my ear, started to watch the in flight movie. I glanced over at the widow seat to reflect on how beautiful he was when he was sleeping. It was going to be a long flight, but at least this time he was here with me.


"This is Captain Harold Brown speaking. Welcome to LAX, where the local time is 6:30pm PST and the date is May 19th. The temperature is a warm 72 degrees. Please keep your seat beats fastened until we fully reach the gate. Thank you for flying with us."

I yawned heavily and blinked my eyes. Looking to my left I see Jack looking out of the window excitedly, sipping from another coffee cup.

"Do I want to know how many of those you've gone through?" I asked, pointing at the cup in his hand.

He looked at me, his lips curving into a shy grin. "No, probably not."

I chuckled and leaned over and kissed his lips.

"You're lucky that I don't mind the taste of black coffee," I said with a small wink. "With as addicted as you are, you would never get kissed otherwise."

He shrugged his narrow shoulders and took another large gulp from the cup. "Making me choose between you and coffee would just be too cruel," he said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes as the the familiar ding ding sound of the "seatbelts off" light came on, and we started to get ready to disembark.

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