The Taxi Ride

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-Jack's POV-

"Jack," he called, his voice echoing in the staircase. "The taxi is waiting. We need to get going."

"Be there in a sec," I called back, grabbing a couple more things from the counter and pulling a dark red beanie over my hair.

Mark smirked as I came zipping down stairs, glancing at the top of my head. "Hair being an asshole again?"

I nodded, sighing loudly, and helped him carry the last couple of bags to the cab.

The taxi driver smiled pleasantly when we greeted him, and placed the last of the suitcases in the trunk as we hopped in the back. Mark looked amazing today, dressed in a dark blue long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans to match. Once I sat down in the car with him, he took my hand in his and smiled.

The driver got back in the car, and we pulled out of the driveway heading to the airport. Mark's right leg bounced in either nerves or excitement, and I leaned over and rubbed his leg gently. He stopped bouncing, at least for the moment.

My phone buzzed and I released his hand and dug in my pocket. Pulling it out I saw Felix's name on the caller ID.

"It's Felix," I said, looking over at Mark, "It must be after midnight in Brighton. What is he calling me this late for?"

Mark shrugged. "With Felix, you never know."

I answered the phone and put him on speaker.

"Felix," I said quickly, "Isn't it way past your bedtime?"

"Hey bro," Felix answered back, his voice loud and clear. " I'm a creature of the night. No darkness can hold me. Sleep is for the weak, right?"

I laughed loudly. "That's my catchphrase, you know!"

Mark chuckled softly.

"Eh you have enough catchphrases to spare," he said, chuckling himself.

"So, did you just call to say hi, or.." I began.

"No, I called because I have a bone to pick with you buddy," he said, sounding slightly annoyed. "How long have you and Mark been fucking each other?"

Mark yelped in surprise, and I hurried to turn off the speaker, our taxi driver up front looking back at us with a lot more interest than he had before.

"How in the hell," I hissed, the phone now to my ear, "Did you find out about Mark and I dating?"

"It had to have been either Tyler or Ethan," Mark said, his head in his hands. "I'm going to strangle whichever one it was."

Felix laughed loudly, obviously hearing what Mark had said.

"Tell Mark it was Ethan, of course," Felix said, a chuckle still in his voice, "I called him about something completely different and he cracked like an egg. In his defense though, he did feel really bad about spilling it."

I sighed again. "They were supposed to keep it to themselves until we could tell everyone."

"And getting back to that," Felix continued, his voice sounding somewhat hurt, "When was I going to be invited on the 'Septiplier World Tour'? Hell, I've shipped you two long before anyone else!"

"I was going to tell you next week in person when I got home, Felix," I said feeling exasperated. "Just please keep this to yourself. We want to tell our families first."

"Oh, I'm more able to keep a secret than Ethan," he said, "I won't tell anyone. Not even Mariza. Promise."

"Thank you, but honestly I trust the pugs way more than you," I said.

"I'll just ignore that last comment." he said sarcastically. "So, I should assume that you're the 'bottom' right?"

"Oh my god," said Mark, his facepalming at this point, epic.

"Fuck off, Felix," I said, my cheeks burning red at this point, and hanging up the phone.

Mark and I just looked at each other, not knowing what to think.

"What's the likelihood that there will be a video about this up on Felix's channel in less than an hour?" Mark asked, looking at me with concern.

"No, I don't think that he will do anything until after we give the ok," I said, with a shrug. "But the amount of jokes about it will be huge."

"Well, I think that you are a great looking couple," said the taxi driver in the front.

We glanced at the driver, both looking surprised at his words.

"Thanks," said Mark, happily, taking my hand again in his, and we finished the rest of our ride to the airport in quiet anticipation.

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