The Felix Effect

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-Mark's POV-

"Why do you hate me?" I asked in earnest to Mike, who sighed heavily on the phone.

"I don't hate you at all," Mike said, "but I had a last minute thing come up and everyone is meeting up at your place for me to give out the hotel information. If you can just get him from the airport it would save YouTube money and me a huge amount of time."

"And how about the migraine that I'll end up with?" I asked. "I'm sure that dealing with Felix for more than an hour without heavy medication involved is considered cruel and unusual punishment is most countries."

Mike sounded like he was hitting his head against another hard surface. Most likely it was his desk.

"Ok, Ok," I groaned. "Just send me over his flight information and I'll get him."

"Bless you," Mike said softly.

I hung up the phone and put my index fingers on the sides of my temples. I already could feel the migraine begin.

"I should assume then by that look of defeat that Mike is making you pick him up?" said Jack walking into the living room holding his usual cup of morning coffee.

I nodded, and fully put my head in my hands.

I felt Jack sit next to me on the couch, and his soft and slender hand rub the small of my back. "There's a chance that Felix won't be to hard to deal with today. I mean, he might have jet lag, or had a couple of drinks on the plane, or a full frontal lobotomy."

I chuckled weakly in my hands. Jack grabbed me gently by the wrists and pulled my hands away from my face. He leaned in and gave me a tender kiss on the lips, and touched my forehead with his before speaking again.

"I won't let you face a force of nature like him alone, Bright Eyes," he said, as his brilliant ocean eyes sparkled into mine.


"Is everyone at the airport today?" I groaned as we finally made it to the parking lot area. Felix's plane had already landed at this point and we still had not had been able to park. I now was understanding why road rage was such a thing in California. Jack was looking more and more concerned as my grumbling became louder we we traveled from row to row with still no place to park.

"Hey, I have an idea," he said, as I began to drive up the next level of the parking garage. "Why don't you let me out and I'll meet Felix at the baggage claim, and then you can just get us from there?"

I looked over at him, my eyes wide with tears. "I think that's the most wonderful thing that you've ever said to me."

He chuckled and pointed over to one of the staircases. "Just pull over here and I'll text you once I've got him and his bags. A few moments later Jack hopped out of the front seat after giving me a kiss and a wink.

"See you in a bit!" he said brightly as he walked to the staircase and began to head down.


-Jack's POV-

I pulled out my phone and texted Felix once I had entered the baggage claim area.

Me: Hey I'm inside baggage claim waiting for you. Let me know when you have arrived.

About a minute later I got a text back.

Felix: Hey potato! I thought Mike was supposed to grab me. I prefer you though, so awesome. I'm not in baggage. I had to grab some chow. The food in flight was shit. Meet me at The Burger Bar on the next floor up.

I made it up to the next floor and rounding the corner I saw Felix sitting at a table surrounded by about fifteen people. His hair and smile, as always was perfect. His eyes covered by large sunglasses. He waved at me as I approached and the group of people cheered and pulled our cell phones to take my picture and gave me pieces of paper for my autograph.

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