The Following Sunrise

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-Mark's POV-

I woke up slowly, the bedroom still coming into focus. I lifted my hand to my face, and rubbed the corners of my eyes.

Jack's head rested on my right shoulder, and his left hand on my bare chest. Snoring softly, his warm breath hovering over the area where my heart was.

I needed to stretch, and more importantly, needed to use the bathroom, but I didn't want to wake him up just yet. His face slightly turned upwards, so I was able to see the the way his smile lines curved around  his lips, and the creases by his eyes, relaxed into slumber.

I raised my left arm up to caress his shoulder, and he stirred only a moment at my touch, then sunk back into the linens again. The sky outside was getting brighter, and the light hit his naked form, creating almost a glow on his pale skin. His pink lips, ears and nipples striking against the soft whiteness of his body.

How can one person look so perfect?

My bladder, sadly, was winning the battle, and I needed to get to the bathroom soon. I breathed in deeply, and looking for one long moment more at his sleeping face, began to run my fingers through his bright green hair in an attempt to wake him.

He shook his head slowly, and moaned softly as he enjoyed the head rub. Then his eyes, so blue and bright, opened up and looked into mine. He smiled and hugged me gently.

"Morning," he said, his voice and accent deep due to sleep.

"Good morning, Bright Eyes," I whispered back.

"Is that your name for me, now?" he asked, climbing on top of me and straddling my waist. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips, my hands tracing the lines of his curvy hips and thighs.

"Because I was going to make 'Bright Eyes' my pet name for you," he continued, his lips curling into a playful smile.

"Well, I called it first, Bright Eyes," I said with a wink. "You can always come up with another one like...'Sex God'. That one sounds great."

His laugh filled the room like a sunbeam, and I felt my heart soar.

"Hey, it wasn't supposed to be that funny," I said, crossing my arms in fake annoyance.

"Well, maybe after we actually start having sex, I'll consider that nickname," he said still giggling. "In the meantime, I'm calling you Bright Eyes too."

I smiled and stretched my arms out, and he leaned back down to kiss me again, his thighs squeezing my upper legs and waist tightly.

The squeezing helps me to remember why I woke him up in the first place, and struggling to part from the kiss, sat up and ran to the restroom to finally use it.

After washing my hands, and trying to tame my hair, I walked out of the bathroom. Jack was now wearing bright red and green boxer shorts, and sitting on the bed looking at his phone.

"Welcome back," he said looking up from his phone, and placing it on the table next to the bed. I pulled on soft pajama pants, and then headed to over to him.

Leaning him back on the bed, I kiss him deeply. "I still would like that snuggle that we started before my bathroom break," I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

He giggled again, reaching his hand up to caress the back of my head. "No more snuggles until after I get breakfast. I don't put out without being properly fed, Mr. Fischbach."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I guess after such an amazing night that I should at least get you some food," and with a smile I got up, "But let's just be quick about it. My wife will be back home soon."

I dodged the pillow he threw. But just barely.


-Jack's POV-

Mark loves me. I love Mark. He took me to Disneyland. I got to meet Hannah. Cake and cookies. And pie. In that order.

"You look lost in thought," I heard a deep voice say.

"Oh, sorry," I said, blushing slightly, and looking back at Mark.

His eyebrows were raised slightly, as if he was waiting for me to say something else.

I stared back at him confused, and he chuckled.

"You didn't hear my last question at all, did you?"

"I would love to lie and say that I did," glancing back down at my empty cup of coffee, "But we both know that I can't lie worth a damn when it comes to you."

He placed his hand onto mine, and I felt a surge of warmth through my body, and looked back into his face as he spoke again.

"I was wanting to take you out to a nice restaurant tonight. What are you in the mood for?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and grinned.

"I don't care, just as long as I'm with you"

He chuckled. "I really hope that we don't turn into one of those lovey dovey couples who are so sappy that people don't want to be anywhere near us."

I rolled my eyes as I got up from the table to refill my coffee. "Eh, let them get sick over our sweetness." My brain froze at his last words.  "Wait -- did you say that...we're a couple?"

He stood up and moved over to me, taking my hands in his.

"Yes I did," he said, his honey colored eyes narrowing in slight concern,"Did you not want to be? I assumed after last night that we both wanted that."

"I do," I said, interlocking our fingers, "I guess I just hadn't really thought about anything past the next few minutes."

I suddenly felt scared,  seeing things appear around us that had not been there before. Angry things that wanted to harm us.

"What about our families? Our viewers?" I continued, my grip tightening slightly,  eyes peering into his for some sort of reassurance, "We're just moving so fast, and I don't want to ruin another relationsh-"

He pressed his lips against mine, and we kissed for a long moment, afterwards my vision hazy from the rush.

"Sean, you did not ruin anything in your last relationship. You are a wonderful person and I am so happy that you are in my life. First as a great friend, and now as so much more. I can't promise that there won't ever be sad days, but I will do my best to make everyday with you better than the last, if you allow me to me to try."

I smiled, and nodded my head.

"As far as our families and our fans, we have a lot of people who love us and want us to be happy. Not everyone will, but as long as we keep doing what we are doing, and love each other, I think that we be ok." He softly squeezed my right arm with his left hand. "Besides, anyone who tries to hurt us have to deal with my baby's +1 biceps!"

I laughed weakly, a few tears beginning to roll onto my cheeks. "I love you, Bright Eyes."

He wiped away the wetness from my face gently with the sides of his thumbs, and we pressed our foreheads together, "I love you too, Bright Eyes."

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