The Special Gift

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-Mark's POV-

God damn it.

I tried again to put on my tie. My fingers were in pain at this point, and it looked no better than before. I sighed and gave up, the black material hanging off of my neck like a wounded bird of prey.

"So, how I look?" he said, nervously coming back into the bedroom.

I turned to look at him,  and felt my heart flutter.

He looked stunning in a pale blue collared shirt, and dark blue pants. Beard neat and trimmed, and his bright green hair combed. His ocean blue eyes, painfully beautiful behind his squared glasses.

"You look"

He laughed and walked over and gave me a quick kiss.

"I don't think "wow" is a real adjective," he said straightening his glasses, "but thanks just the same."

I stood up and placing my arms around his waist, and leaned in for another kiss. "You look gorgeous. Is that better?"

"Mmm hmm," he said nodding. "You look pretty damn fantastic, yourself. Well, except for the tie."

I shrugged sadly. "I guess I was just always meant to be a business casual kind of guy."

He reached up to my neck. "Here," he said simply, and in a moment my tie settled on my throat in a near perfect Half-Windsor."

"You're amazing," I said, placing my head against his forehead.

"No, just really good with my hands," he said with a wink.

I gave him a tight squeeze, and glided my lips onto his, the scent of his aftershave filling my nose. My hands found resting spots on the curves of his ass. His slender fingers ran through my hair, and I suddenly wanted to stay here, in this moment. I moaned slightly, my mind fogging with thoughts of us lost in the bedsheets.

"We should probably stop," he said, taking my hands in his quickly, "We need to get downstairs. Besides, we don't want to mess up your tie."

"You're right," I said breathlessly, " And you're a cock tease."

"I'll make it up to you later," he said with a sly smile, and interlocking my fingers in his, we walked out to meet the others in the living room.


-Jack's POV-

The car ride to his mom's house was a fun one. Mark pointed out different places from his childhood as we passed them.

"That's where Wade and I went camping," he said, gesturing to a large park to the right. "Wade totally forgot to bring to toilet paper, and we ended up having to use leaves from trees that night."

I laughed while Wade grumbled at Mark as glanced back at us from the driver's seat. "At least you weren't the one who accidentally wiped with poison ivy. My ass crack to this day still feels itchy whenever I'm near a campfire."

Both Mark and I laughed, which did nothing to help with Wade's mood on the subject. The car turned right and we headed towards the driveway of a fairly large house with a beautiful deck.

"Is that the deck that you helped build?" I asked.

Mark nodded, seeming pleased that I had remembered that. "Yeap, back before YouTube. Seems like so long ago."

We pulled into the driveway, and got out. Bob's car was already there.

"Wade," Mark said, leaning in close to him, "Go on ahead. Tell my mom that we'll be inside in a few."

Wade nodded and headed towards the front door. Once he was out of earshot, Mark turned back to face me. His face was slightly pale.

He took my hand in his, and brought it up to his lips, kissing it gently. "Whatever happens in there, Sean, I love you, ok?"

I smiled and kissed his hand as well.

"Neoleul deo salanghae," I said, slowly.

He stared at me.

"Oh dear," I said fretfully, "Did I pronounce it wrong? It was supposed be -"

"I love you more," he said quietly. " said it perfectly." He paused for a moment, then took a deep breath in and exhaled. "Let's do this."


The house was so nice. I could feel Mark's warmth in every corner of every room, even though he had not lived here for quite a long time. His brother Thomas introduced himself. Slightly shorter than Mark, you could tell Thomas had a gotten a lot more of his features from their Korean born mother.

Mark's mother was very kind, and giving out quick hugs she took me on a tour of the house.

"Mark talks about you all the time," she said brightly. "Says you are a good friend."

I said "thank you" in Korean and she smiled at me, and then we chatted for a bit in Korean. I understood a lot more than I could speak, but she seemed to really appreciate me trying to pronounce the words correctly.

Mark kept looking at us talking together, trying his best to act as naturally as possible. After food Mark leaned over to his mother and brother to follow him into the dining room area, where no else one was.

He motioned for me to join, and I pulled myself away from a conversation with Bob and his wife to head over to them.

I walked into the dining room. Thomas was sitting at the table, looking mildly curious while Mark's mom stood next to Mark.

Mark looked relieved that I was in the room, and I reflexively stood close to him. His mom smiled at me again, and then looked back to Mark, who was fiddling with his tie.

"This must be important news," said Thomas. "You hate wearing ties."

Mark laughed nervously, and cleared his throat.

"I wanted to talk to the both about, well, I have starting dating again, and I wanted you to meet the person. He paused, looking to his mother first. Her face stayed the same, just looking back at Mark, her soft and lovely smile still in place.

"So you came all the way to Ohio to tell us you're dating again?" Thomas asked. "Must be serious."

Mark shuffled his feet nervously.

"Mark," his mother said, gently touching her hand to his, "I think that Jack is wonderful for you."

I wasn't sure who looked the more surprised at her words. Both Mark and Thomas just stared at her in stunned silence.

"You...knew?" Mark asked, a slight lump in his throat.

She laughed, her small hand covering her mouth while we still all stared at her. "A mother knows her child," she said simply. "I always knew you like more than girls."

Mark just continued to look dumbfounded at his mother's insight. It was hard not to laugh at the confusion on his face. Thomas chuckled at him, obviously not having the same issue with laughing.

"You love him," she said, gesturing to me again. "You have my eyes, and you look at him the same way I looked at your father, so long ago."

She smiled again, and walked away from her sons, who still were both looking at her in gentle admiration. She took a hold of my hand, and looked up into my eyes.

"You have a kind spirit," she said softly. "Mark's love is a very special gift. I understand why you have  earned his love."

My eyes, full of tears, hugged his mother tightly, and soon I felt two other sets of arms join us in the embrace.

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