The Q and A

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Hi everyone!

Before I begin I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read my book. Whether you read it cover to cover, just a few lines or something in between I truly appreciate you giving it a chance. For simplicity sake, I will be writing "His Bright Eyes" as "HBE" during the q and a below.

Now here are answers to your questions.

When was this story supposed to take place?

In general I tried my best to keep it fairly in the present, but for the need for dates that made sense, I based it in 2016 - 2017.

What's your favorite video that Mark and Jack have posted on their channel?

Pretty much I love anything that they do because their chemistry and humor is amazing, but off the top of my head my favorite collaborations are "Uno", "Prop Hunt" and "The Forest".

What got you into writing?

I actually began writing when I was about six and continued all the way through college to get my English: Creative Writing degree. Then after a large amount of deaths in my life and being with a not so supportive partner, I ended up stopping for a very long time. I recently decided to get back into writing after reading some amazing Septiplier fanfiction.

What got you interested in Septiplier?

I started watching Mark's videos by dumb luck because I was really interested in FNAF but was terrified of being jump scared out of my skin. I watched YouTube anyway, and did a search of FNAF Let's Plays and his videos were the first in the search. I fell in love with his humor, his handsome face and sexy voice

Jack I actually came across a reaction video and found my brain conflicted. His face was gorgeous, as was the accent but his screaming was very hard to get used to at the time. After a while of watching Mark, his videos would pop up as similar and after watching a few more I got used to his voice. Then I stumbled across some collabs and then came across the Septiplier fan base. I am honestly late to the game as I only really started reading fanfiction with them within the last 6 months.

How do you feel about the fandom?

As with any fandom there are great things and horrible things. I love some of the art and love and support that I have seen. People have been incredibly kind to me and my work, and I have made some amazing friends. However some fans, and I used that term loosely, have been crazy about the fantasy of Mark and Jack together, including openly threatening their girlfriends.

Amy and Signe make them happy, and thus they make videos and do things that make us happy. It as simple as that. Crazy fans out there, leave them alone about getting together. They both adamantly identify as straight and while they enjoy the playful banter and suggestive tone (at times) for the fan base. they are not and as far as we know will not ever be a real life couple.

What keeps you writing/inspired you to keep going/update without fail?

Huge support structure and passion for what I do. I also work overnight so I have additional ability to work. Also Jack and Mark have inspired me. Their videos helped me when I was going through a severe depression within my life last year.

Wasn't Jack supposed to stay in the UK?

He was able to stay with Mark longer due to him having medical guardianship after his near drowning. Then once they got engaged they were able to extend his stay again.

Where was Chica during the Charity Livestream?

She was in a couple of scenes but otherwise she was kept upstairs or in the backyard. Mark was very worried about her getting stepped on or scared by so many people in the house.

Will there be a sequel?

Yes. There is an ongoing sequel now under my profile. It's called "You're My Everything". There also may be a third and final book, but that depends on the demand and my overall workload.

Who is your favorite character to write?

They are all my children. Don't make me decide! All kidding aside though, they are all fun in different ways. In general though, Mark is great because he is the most who is naturally like me so it is very easy to understand his motivations and thought process. Felix is a blast to write because I can just be fully brash and direct.

Did you make it a point of making the book funny?

Well first off, thank you! And secondly yes! Jack and Mark are funny people so I think that they would put a huge amount of humor within their relationship. They also naturally surround themselves with funny people.

What chapter was the most emotionally challenging chapter to write in HBE?

The most emotionally challenging chapter was "The Reason Why" because it was very hard to explain where Signe was coming from as to why she decided to break up with Jack.

Is there anything about the book you would change?

There is some weird dialogue choices that I made early on, but I am actually in the process of fixing that during the editing phase.

What was your favorite chapter to write?

I have more than 1, but here are a few of my favorites:

1. The Restless Night (my first ever attempt at smut)

2. The First Touch (I really enjoyed creating the imagery)

3.The Pillow Talk (I love Sleepy Jack so much!)

4. The Morning Visitor (I really enjoy writing Felix)

5. The Charity Event (I was really challenging to write a longer chapter in what was essentially 'real time")

Thank you again for all of your questions.


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