The Simple Request

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-Jack's POV-

"Ethan?" I asked, startled as I opened the front door.

He smiled at me, and walked inside.

"Hey Jack," he said, turning around to face again. "Sorry I came over without telling you. I tried to call a few times over the last couple of weeks, but I kind of chickened out."

"It's fine. What's going on?" I asked, leading him into the living room area. "I still have food if you want anything. Mark didn't eat much before he left for his therapy appointment."

"No, I'm good." he said quickly. "I already had lunch with Tyler."

I looked at him surprised as we sat down in the living room together. "Oh? You and Tyler went out to lunch? As a date?"

He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, it was a date. It was our first one."

I gave him an expectant look. "And...I know that it really isn't any of my business to ask, but..."

Ethan laughed nervously. "Jack, we kind of no right to be annoyed at either you or Mark asking about us. We had our first time together drunk in your spare bedroom."

I cleared my throat, feeling my face redden.

"The date was really nice," he continued. "I'm not sure if you or Mark had anything to do with it, but for the most part all of the over the top mean jokes have stopped. Tyler still bothers me occasionally about the way I look and sound like, but it's a lot sweeter and more the way he flirts than it used to be."

"That's great."

"Yeah, it is. So, if either of you talked to him that day, or any time after, thanks a lot. We've decided to take it slow, but I think that it's going to work out."

"So," I started, "was that the only reason that you came over? Not that what you told me about isn't -"

He shook his head "no" and smiled. "I was wondering if I could get some advice. You and Mark work so well with each other. I...I don't want to screw this up, and I've not ever really been in a relationship before."

I looked at him startled. "I'm not sure what advice I can give you. For the most part we just take it one day at a time. There's no real rules to how we make it work. Just talk to each other, and listen to what the other one wants and needs."

Ethan leaned in a bit, looking almost embarrassed. "And what about know, sexual encounters? How do you stop from being..." He adjusted in his seat, looking at me pointedly.

I coughed, understanding what he was saying. "That will get better in time," I said quickly. "I know warm baths and prepping with lubrication worked with me until my body get used to it. Then it's no real issue at all."

"Thanks," he said, seeming relieved to get that question answered. "We both were wondering if you and Mark may want to do like a double date or something in the future soon. We are honestly both so nervous about all of this. Well, I know that I am. With Tyler you can never tell what's going on just by looking at him."

I chuckled at that.

"But I know that he trusts the both of you, especially Mark." he continued. "A double date may help with our nerves of just being being the two of us. Besides that, Tyler isn't much of a talker when it's just him and I most times."

"I see," I said softly.

"And," he said, looking embarrassed again, "like I said before...we want to take it slow, and all the long quiet moments are making us just want to...start kissing know."

I nodded, trying not to smile too much. The sexual tension, especially once you've crossed that first time line, can be really strong.

"So you need Mark and I to be...sort of friendly and supportive cock blockers, so to speak?"

His eyes widened in alarm. "I didn't mean it to come across like -"

"No it's fine," I said laughing and giving him a hug. "I'm sure Mark would love the double date idea. Just let us know the best day and time, and we'll be there, ok?"

He smiled weakly. "Thank you. You have no idea how much I...I mean that we, appreciate everything you guys have done for us."

He got up first and I followed him as we both walked to the front door. "Oh, one other thing," he said, looking red again as he walked out of the front door."

I raised my eyebrows as he handed me a fairly large amount of twenty dollar bills. "We really tried our best to fix it, but I'm pretty sure that we broke your bed frame that night. Just let me know if this isn't enough to cover the cost."

And before I could even respond in any sort of way, Ethan had already zoomed down the driveway, and back towards his car.

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